[06.] gifts

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Art by imdrunkonTea on Deviantart !! Age of Calamity Impa ! she's def one of my fav to fight with, i love her runes


(Name) sighed and flopped back down on the bed. It was warmer and comfier than the bed at Zora's domain. She guessed that made sense because the Zora sleep in pools of water rather than beds. The girl kicked off her shoes and burrowed under the dark red covers. She sighed as she looked up at the vaulted ceiling. She was really missing her bed at home right now. The girl imagined herself sinking into the plush duvet, clutching her beloved Ketchup, the big stuffed dog that her little brother gifted her before she left for college.

She missed the sounds of the city lulling her to sleep. She missed the purring of her cat, Jade, who always slept right by her face or her chest. (Name) missed ice cream, she missed her favourite shows, she missed music. The ache in her heart only grew as she remembered what Hylia had said. She had to figure out how to get home on her own. Impa wasn't a big help either.

(Name) thought back to when she told Impa. The woman just told her to go with Link and conquer the Divine Beasts. She didn't have any answers yet, but she would contact the girl when she did. (Name) decided to leave with Link when he got back, and visit Purah about the slate.

The girl's head swarmed with thoughts and worries, but somehow she slipped into a dreamless slumber.


The mornings in Kakariko were usually quite beautiful, but today it started raining right as (Name) awoke, making her think of a certain fish prince, which left a fond smile on her face.

The girl didn't want to sit inside all day, so she bid goodbye to Ollie (who passed out right as she left. How he slept standing up, (Name) didn't know), and made her way out the door, heading for the clothing store she saw when she came to Kakariko.

As she passed, she nodded to the guards in front of Impa's house and made her way up the small incline to the shop. A woman stood outside the shop waving to passersby.

"Hiiii!" she called. (Name) smiled at her, and jogged over.

"Hello! Um, is this the clothing store?" (Name) asked, looking at the hut in front of her. It had some symbols on a wooden sign, but she couldn't understand what they meant.

"Yes! Welcome to Enchanted, open rain or shine! I'm Lasli!"

"(Name)," The girl said, sticking out her hand. Lasli shook it firmly before replying

"Claree is inside. She'll help you with whatever you need!" (Name) nodded and turned to walk up the steps. She really hoped the clothes they were selling weren't like the ones she had seen people wearing around. Not that they looked bad, they just looked heavy and thick, and (Name) didn't want anything weighing her down.

She slid open the door and stepped inside. There were mannequins on either side and directly across from the door a woman stood behind a tall counter. (Name) assumed the lady was Claree. There were only six mannequins. (Name) frowned. It looked like each piece of clothing belonged to a set. She walked forward to the woman at the counter, who had a very large smile.

"Hello... um, are you Claree?" If possible, the woman's smile only grew.

"Yes!! You must be here for my collection! Everything here is part of the specially curated Claree collection! Please, take your time looking around!" (Name) nodded, deciding not to say anything about the lack of clothing in the shop. She walked around, inspecting each piece. It was very interesting how different the clothing was. With leather plates and boots, everything looked like it was straight out of a fantasy RPG.

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