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"Lieutenant, command is yours. Keep the ship operational till I get back. I want low orbit just in case we have to bail out quickly."

"Yes sir."

Boots clattered on metal as Commander Vir clattered down the stairs and moved quickly down the hallway. A small entourage of figures walked at his back, "I'm not sure I like this commander." One of them was saying, "It could more than easily be a trap."

He sighed, "I know, but the GA wants it done."

"I would much rather do reconnaissance for a while-"

"And so would I, but the chairwoman made it very clear that we needed to speak with them as soon as possible. I've already tried establishing radio contact, and nothing. The only way to go now is the old fashioned way."

They took a sharp corner, "Tell the council to meet me down in the docking bay."

"Yes sir," They scampered off leaving another subordinate to fill their place.

Most of the council was already there when he reached the docking bay. Dr, Krill, Sunny, Dr. Adric, Ramirez Narobi etc. etc."
He paused before them, hands clasped behind his back.

"You shouldn't go alone." Came the first announcement.

"Wouldn't dream of it, which means I want at least six marines, and a group from the diplomacy team. I know I've been taking lessons, but I don't trust myself nearly as much as I trust them."

"Are we sure it needs to be you at all?" Krill pointed out getting to the heart of the issue on first try, as was usual for him.

Commander Vir turned to look at the little doctor on the spot, "The Kree have demanded a high ranking representative."

"Then lie to them, send down someone not important and pretend," Krill said

He crossed his arms, "We aren't going to lie. Starting out diplomatic relations with a lie would destabilize the entire foundation of what we are trying to build, no we need proper protection is all." He turned to look at the others, "Any objections? If so raise your concerns now?'"

Sunny raised a hand, "You're Not going unless you bring proper weapons, otherwise, I say we shouldn't meet them."

"I agree..... And I have an idea." The group looked nervously around at each other, "No, you are very much not going to like it, and you will probably argue with me." He turned to Dr. Adric, and motioned hi to follow, "Ramirez get your marines and-"

"Already done commander."

"Nice and fast of you." He turned to look at Ramirez one last time placing a hand on his shoulder, "Are these the marines that have.... Uh.... trained with the new equipment?"

Ramirez nodded enthusiastically, "Yes sir."

"New equipment?" Krill wondered rather suspiciously.

"Yep you're going to hate that too." Commander Vir announced knowing that he was going to argue and knowing that people would assume his decision was poor. But he had talked it over – seriously – with Ramirez, and they had both agreed it was too good a strategic advantage not to. Ramirez had then talked with the requisitions officer and so on and so forth until the package had been loaded onto the ship not a few days before, but that he thought he might be able to get away with, it was this next thing, they were going to hate.

Floating at the back of the group Conn knew what he was thinking, "They're going to lock you up."

"Are you exaggerating, or is that seriously what they are going to do?"

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now