One of Five

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"Agreed compensation awarded to the Steel eye survivors includes 10 billion dollars in funding for the Machinaw rehabilitation center and its residents for the use in maintenance, housing, cost of living, medical support: including psychological services as well as housing and assistance if those residents are ever to leave on their own. This will also include compensation to the families of those who died during testing or the war. Furthermore, the surviving members of steel eye outside of the Machinaw rehabilitation center will also be awarded an additional 5 million for pain and suffering which includes the cost of future medical bills and psychological services."

Adam sat back in his seat and blinked a little surprised.

Lucky bastards.


Admiral Kelly turned to look at him mouthing the words, "Nice."

He blinked stupidly for a second before realising, "Do they mean me."

Admiral Kelly snorted quickly, "You are a surviving member of steel eye aren't you?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

She patted him on the back as the judges stood.

"The Geneva court awards these rulings and will be reinforcing ethical guidelines to biotechnology and bio splicing technology the ruling of which will be announced at a later date after a committee hearing has had time to meet on the subject. The sentencing for those tried in the court today begins effective immediately. The judges stood, and there was a loud clattering as the rest of the chamber stood with them, "This meeting is henceforth adjourned,and the ruling stands. Appeals may be made in a year after sentencing."

Adam took a very deep breath, feeling the air pass from his lungs out in a sharp burst.

Admiral Kelly patted him on the shoulder squeezing lightly as he took another deep breath, "Think you're going to be alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"I was worried about you a couple times there."

He smiled ruefully, me too. At his feet, the dog whined and he absently patted her on the head.

Taking stock of himself, he decided that he was feeling pretty good all things considered. Waffles whined again and he patted her again absently, "You probably need to go outside, don't you."

She whimpered, and he took that as an agreement.

Admiral Kelly walked with him from the courtroom greeting people and making small talk as they went. It was forced normalcy after all the things they had been forced to witness in the past few days, but at least they were trying, and he was feeling pretty good, almost high.

Luckily it seemed to be the kind of high that you didn't come crashing down from. He had survived the entire court case without once breaking out into a PTSD attack. It had come close a few times, but he had done it, he had survived, and he had helped win the compensation for his fellow steel eyes soldiers. If he could do that, there was no telling what he was he could do.

It almost didn't feel real.

"Are you feeling well enough to join a few of us for dinner tonight, Admiral."

He glanced over at Admiral Kelly, and nodded, "I think that is something I can do, just let me go and drop Waffles off at the hotel and I will meet you."

"You're not bringing her.... She's a service dog so they have to let her in."

He waved a hand dismissively, "It's alright, it's been a long day for the both of us, and I am sure she would rather relax somewhere quiet than spend time in a noisy restaurant surrounded by the smell of food she can' have."

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