The Press

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"Why exactly am I back on earth? My tour doesn't end for another six months, and we were just getting ready for our first exploratory mission since before the burg war."

"Look, commander, I understand this isn't what you thought you were signing up for, but since the movie dropped recruitment has Gone up 45% and another 20% after merchandising, we need to get on this quick,"

He sighed

"Besides, you will only be touring one or two weeks. That's one or two weeks paid vacation while you talk to celebrities, pose for pictures, and maybe do a press conference or two. Bring along a couple of friends to keep you company and it won't be that bad."

"Alright, alright, I get it, but I'm not a dancing monkey. I didn't sign up for this, and it's not going to becoming a thin."

"Yes commander, now The UNSC is taking you first. You are their poster child after all, and they want your face on the recruiting posters ."

"Very well, ma'am."


Wednesday, June 3

"This is good work commander, but we are going to bring in an expert to make it just right."

Commander Vir stood in an empty hanger bay surrounded by reflective panels, directional lights and a multitude of camera equipment. Sunny and Krill were playing a guessing game he had taught them earlier in the day to keep them occupied, and Waffles – his dog – was curled up by one of the set technicians taking a nap.

"An expert?"

"Yes, we're bringing in one of the guys who used to be a guard in Arlington. The uniform looks good, but is it perfect?"

The answer to that question was answered simply few minutes later

He was a slob, a big fat slob who didn't know how to properly wear his socks. The guy even whipped out a tape measure to determine the exact distance that a pin should be placed from the crease in his collar.

Commander Vir didn't see the difference on the small scale, but in aggregate, he found that the difference was actually quite startling. He blinked, "Wow."

"Excellent, now, we're going to have you stand over here while we adjust the lights, and then when we give you the cue we want you to follow the order to a T. We will have parade rest attention, present at attention and then contemplatively looking off into the distance. We will have someone with a marker to tell you where to look."

"Stare contemplatively off into the distance. I don't remember learning that one."

"Ahh we got a smartass."

He stepped into place doing as the cameraman ordered, trying to look serious and imposing as directed, though Sunny and Krill had decided to make faces in the background. He actually did loose it at some point as Sunny started doing some weird improvised dancing in the background while krill stood there like it offended his sensibilities.

Eventually they got what he wanted, and they showed him some of the prototypes.

There were a few that he liked but only because they looked like vintage movie posters from some badass naval war movie.

Thursday, June 4

The three of them walked into the studio watching as bodies flowed past them hurrying off in all directions. Obviously their presence caused quite a stir, and Adam thought he recognized a few faces peering from the crowd, other movies stars and celebrities, but he couldn't be sure what he was seeing. And then there were the women, and men who hurried about, tall, statuesque like greek gods given life, with jaws so sharp they could cut paper, and pouty lips under wide dark eyes.

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