Humans are Stupid Ft. A Jetpack

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The No 1 truth about humans: They are stupid.

Krill was waiting in the docking bay watching as his new medical equipment was wheeled up the ramp. Sunny stood next to him holding a data pad and checking off the shipping manifest as it was wheeled on.

Conn floated a few feet away from them ribbons on his back billowing and churning slowly in the air currents.

He was currently occupied staring down at the screen of his handheld. Ever since the captain had gotten him that game, he hadn't stopped playing. It was a nice break from his usual acerbic, nosy nature.

The last line of medical equipment was being loaded up the ramp, when con looked up from his game.

He turned his head towards the interior doors.

"Prepare yourselves." He signed

"Prepare ourselves? For what."

The question didn't hang on the air for very long before the sounds of human exuberance reached them from down the hall.

Sunny shook her head and Krill sighed, and the three of them braced themselves as the commander rolled onto deck skidding to a stop and running towards the line of boxes, "Is it here! Did you get it!"

"Get what?" Sunny muttered

He snatched the data pad from her hand scrolling through the checked boxes.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, "What are you-"

"Ah ha!"

He began laughing and giggling maniacally running over to a line of already checked boxes hopping up and down in place and rubbing his hands together.

The three aliens exchanged a glance.

Sunny sighed, "What did you do."

The man waved a hand at her as one of the cargo workers opened a box for him, "What did I do? What did I do? I will tell you what I did. I just made this ship officially the most awesome ship in the fleet. "

"And how exactly did you do that?"

"I thought we were already the most awesome ship in the fleet?"

The commander was seconds from squealing with delight as the man cracked open the crate and let the sides fall to the deck.

There were a few boxes in there, but the commander didn't seem to care about most of them grabbing a single box from the pile and hauling it onto the floor where he could get a better look, "Gah, its heavy, that's good."

Krill frowned, "I'm not going to like this, am I?"

The commander continued to grin, "Nope, you're gonna hate it, and that's how I know it's going to be great."

Krill sighed.

Sunny stepped forward as the man frantically ripped open the box, like a man possessed.

The crate opened and the man was now laughing maniacally, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Krill and the others wandered over glancing down into the box.

Conn sighed, a sound he had programmed into his gloves.

Sunny tilted her head, "What is it."

The human reached inside grabbed a thick, pamphlet with one hand and tossed it out of the way.

Krill was forced to duck to the side as the book when flying past his head and skidded across the floor.

He glanced over and saw the words.

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