The Escape

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Great rumbling sirens still blared behind them as they cut through the darkness just at the base of the wall. The sirens were like nothing either of them had ever heard as they were deep and rumbling causing the ground to shake like a mild earthquake. The sounds of the animals inside was just audible over the high wall, though the rumbling shouts of those deep, voiced creatures were drowned out by the sirens.

"Just a little further." Krill whispered in Adam's ear, and Adam continued to crouch low into the shadows, both of them had to hope that these creatures didn't have as good of eyesight as humans or drev, for if they did Adam was going to stand out like candle in a dark room with just how pasty white he was.

Adam came to a stop a few feet later, his eyes scanning the open field before them, "'There they are."

"And now what?"

"Now we hijack and alien spaceship."

"And what makes you think that you are going to be able to fly it?"

"I can fly anything."

"And what if it requires a key?"

"Well then we will hotwire it?"

"Stop being annoyingly optimistic and listen to my concerns for just five seconds will you."

The man waved a hand, "I know I know, but I didn't exactly THINK about that part now did I."

"You know sometimes I think you are intelligent, and then at other times you are a complete idiot. In the end, I am never entirely sure which one I agree with more."

"Let's pick the one where I am smart until proven otherwise. If we get captured again, you can call me the biggest idiot ever, and I will agree with you."

"IF we get captured again, then we are going to have bigger problems than you just being an idiot."
Adam held up a hand to quiet him, and then looking in either direction, he hurried forward across the open space, ducking down as soon as they reached the nearest ship.

"And how do we know if any of these are warp drive capable?" Krill demanded.

Adam peered out from under one of the struts, "We are looking for the ship we rode here on. If they take exotic animals from other planets, then I am willing to bet that it would have to have a warp drive. Ah ha, there it is."

Krill glanced over his shoulder and in the direction that the Commander was pointing, and sure enough, there the ship was in all of its alien glory.

The two of them looked around for a few seconds looking for anyone who might spot their movement, but there was no one, and they managed to make it forward without being noticed. Adam and Krill stopped right below the strange, floating, silver ball.

"Now what."

"Now a door." Krill, float up there to about head height for those things and see if you can't find anything."

Krill did as told, but as of yet he was having no real luck.

"Shit." Adam muttered tilting his head back to make one more suggestion, and that was when he heard the shouting.

Together, he and Krill turned to look back over their shoulders, and found a group of keepers running after them across the open tarmac.

They had been spotted.



The team of keepers ran across the open tarmac and towards the escaped aliens. Three of them had tranquilizer guns up an ready, shooting down towards the two figures. They missed the duos by mere inches as it dove to the left, rolling out of their line of fire. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, the boss hadn't been wrong when he suggested these things might be sentient.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now