Chapter 1- A Meeting under a Tree

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"You can't catch me!" A little boy, about 8-years-old, said as he ran off in the meadow. Another child, most likely his twin, chased after him. "Oh yeah?! We will see about that!" The young boy race towards him. Laughter filled the air as the one with a green hoodie and white smiley mask lunged at the red hoodie with a black frowny mask. "Got you Nightmare!" The green hoodie said victoriously. The child named Nightmare pushed the other off him and got up brushing off the dirt on his clothes. "Only because you are better at hunting! Good taught you everything!" He whined. The boy with the green hoodie got up and looked around them while the other bickered. "Umm Nightmare?" Nightmare turned to the other, ruffling his blonde hair. "Yes Dream?"
"Where are we?" asked Dream as he clung on to his older brother. Nightmare look at the change of scenery, alert and curious. Instead of the meadow they used to be at they were somewhere in a forest. A worn-out path laid in front of them, and Dream looked at it before looking back up to him. "Should we go down there?" He could sense the tension from the other child as they looked out to the wilderness that laid all around them. Nightmare slowly nodded and made a step towards the path when a sudden voice caught their attention.
"Nightmare?! Dream?!" The voice called out. The boys smiled and ran towards the voice. "Goodboyhalo!" They cried as they saw the older male in the distance. Good turned around and smiled at the two boys, embracing them in a hug. "There you are! I was worried sick. Redza and I were searching everywhere for you!" Nightmare nodded and didn't say anything while Dream explained where they were.
Good's once happy face turned grim at the mention of the old path. He grabbed both boys by the shoulders and lowered himself so he could look both dead in the eyes. Both boys lifted their matching mask and look at the male's ice blue eyes.
"Don't ever go down that path again. It's dangerous and it's forbidden to go there. Do you understand?" Nightmare nodded right away at the sound of the other's terrifying voice. Meanwhile Dream sat there thinking. You could see the gears in his head turning as the other two awaited his response. "Ok Good!"
Good smiled and stood back up, straightening his blue and white robes. "Glad we had this talk. Now run along to your mother before she has a meltdown." The twins nodded and ran off back to their home.

A male with black wings and red robes made their way to the demon. He watched as the two little boys run off, racing each other to see who could make it too their house first. Good turned to him and the other frowned. "Did they find it?" The male asked. Good shook his head and the male sighed in relief.
"Redza." The person that was referred to as Redza looked at Good. "Block off that path. We can't let anyone down there. Especially Dream..." Redza nodded and unfolded his majestic wings, taking off and flying towards the path. Good smiled and made his way towards the village that he lived in, the Nightmare SMP.


"Dream wake up! Mom made us pancakes!" Nightmare said, shaking him awake. Dream groaned and threw a pillow at Nightmare. Nightmare, not noticing the flying pillow until it was too late, was hit and fell to the ground. "Ow" He said. Dream rolled his eyes and got up, making his way to his dresser. "Stop being such a crybaby jeez." Nightmare sighed and got up, watching Dream as he pulled out a bright green hoodie and black jeans. He tossed the smiley mask that laid on the table next to the door to dream and he caught it.
"Thanks." Was all the male said before heading to the bathroom. "Anytime Dream." Nightmare walked out and went down the hall to the dining room. Dream quickly brushed his teeth and hair before putting the mask on and headed to the dining room as well. There waiting for them was there mother holding a plate of pancakes and a spatula. Dream walked in and stood in front of his mother and saluted her. "General Spuffy." He said in a fake serious voice. Their mother laughed and playfully wacked Dream with the spatula. "Duckling number two, Good morning." Nightmare, who was already digging into his pancakes, looked up at their mother and spoke, "Mommm, Dream wacked me with a pillow this morning when I was trying to wake him uppp." Dream smiled and put his older sibling in a headlock. "You act like you are five Nightmare! Come on! Be the big seventeen-year-old you claim to be." General Spuffy rolled her eyes and grabbed Dream by the ear, forcing him off Nightmare. Nightmare slipped off his mask to give a smug look at Dream before putting it back on, tilting it slightly up so he could eat. Dream saw this and was furious, Spuffy had to hold back her son with all her might before he tried to kill his older brother. Dream kicked and flailed around, trying to get loose of his mother's death grip. "Alright Alright! I give up! I won't kill him, just let me go!" Nightmare chuckled and went back to eating as General Spuffy let go of her son. Dream shook his blonde hair before smoothing it out and sitting down and eating.
Nightmare looked up and turned to Dream. "Are you coming with me to the meeting?" Their mother raised an eyebrow. "What meeting?" Nightmare froze and Dream sighed, explaining what it was. "Basically, some of Nightmare's 'friends' meet up and discuss random stuff. Mostly boring things like the kingdom, or any of the lands." Nightmare shoved Dream half-playfully. "They are my friends, so be quite." Dream sticked his tongue out like a little kid. "Yeah, but they like me more."
Spuffy sighed and got up. "Enough you too. Dream, are you going or not cause if you aren't then I need help around Womenburg."
Dream nodded, happy to get out of work for once. Maybe he should go to the meetings more often...they certainly provide an excuse for not working around the darn kingdom all the time. His brother, Nightmare rules the kingdom and is the "king" with their mother as the "queen" and Dream as the "prince". Royality isn't a big thing around there since the people they rule are always under control, so there is not much reason to enforce their roles around here. Ret however, owns a small area in the Nightmare SMP and is currently the president there. Not many people live there so no one ever challenged him to an election to take his presidency. Not to mention Swagtopia, which was created after Jared and Tomothy wanted to branch out even more. Honkity rules over the flying nation now since the other two wanted to return to their original nation ,Womenburg, named after Tub's love of women.
Dream shook his head. He always thought to much about the history here and it always left him with more questions. He finished his pancakes and got up, rinsing his plate and setting it down in the sink before heading to his room to put on some knee-high black boots. As he finished getting them on Nightmare stood at the door, waiting patiently for the other. Dream got up and both headed to the front door, quickly giving their mom a hug before setting off to the meeting spot.
The tree glimmered in the sunlight from the raindrops that made its way onto the tree not that long ago. The Womentree. They planted this tree a while back, to bring a promise to the kingdom, and its branches grow every day to turn into this magnificent tree it is now.
"Hey Nightmare!" A male with white hair and ram horns peeking out from each side said cheerfully. They wore a baggy light blue hoodie with black sweatpants to give them a homie kind of vibe. He pressed his round glasses closer to his freckled covered face, smiling at the two arriving. Nightmare waved at them and smiled back. "Hello Jonathan!" The male held up a blue flower crown, the same as the one he wore on his head. "Look Dream! I made you something!" Dream sat down next to Jonathan and picked up the flower crown and placed it on his head carefully. Jonathan smiled and begun to hum a tune as the made a second one. Dream looked around, noticing that there was no one else there besides them. He turned to the humming ram and asked, "Jonathan, where is everyone." The other jumped out of there trance and turned to look around them before continuing to make the flower crown. "Oh them? They are always late. Especially Tech. You should be glad he is getting up at all. You can almost never get him out of his terribly-made house." The small male chuckled as he finished the sentence. Dream sighed and leaned against the tree, closing his eyes and waiting for the others to arrive... 


Coming up: 

Chapter 2- A Portal that will remain...opened?

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now