Chapter 6- Excuse me What?

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Nightmare sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It's been two days now and still no luck. He was thinking of contacting someone, but thought against it. She would have been to much to handle, he told himself as he walked to a small building. Inside there were at least 10 people moving about in there. They were all trying to get obsidian to turn black. Nightmare passed by all of them and made his way to the back room, where his mother was waiting. 
"Any luck mother?" He asked, leaning over to see what she was working on. General Spuffy shook her head and revealed a block of obsidian and some black dye. "It almost worked. If I could just get it to be permanent than it would have worked. I can get it to turn black, but when its black cover burns in fire." Nightmare sighed once more. "It's fine. You think we should get her?"
 Spuffy looked at him. "Excuse me what?" Nightmare chuckled at his mother's reaction. "I said, should we get Nritza?" General Spuffy shook her head. "Nightmare, we aren't that desperate. Having her here would be catastrophic." 
"But with her around, we might just get it." He said, eyeing the white obsidian. Spuffy slowly nodded. "Fine. But if this kingdom gets blow up, its on you." She said, walking out. Nightmare smiled and pumped his fist in the air. He pulled out chat and quickly typed, his fingers flying over the keyboard in front of him.

Nightmare (You) whisper to Nritza: Hey, we need you back home. Where are you?

Nritza whisper to Nightmare (You): So for once you need my help. What is it for?

Nightmare (You) whisper to Nritza: I will tell you when you get home. And this time, please don't try to destroy the kingdom, mother exiled you before, she will do it again.

Nitza whisper to Nightmare (You): No promises :(

Nightmare felt a shiver run down his spine. His sister was scary. After the incident, she snapped and tried to destroy the whole SMP. His mother had to exile her from the Kingdom to prevent her from doing anymore damage. But after all, she was one of the only people that could help them with the obsidian problem. She is a master at crafting, so if anyone can do it, it's her.
I mean, what's the worse that could happen?


"So where too Mr. Green blob?" Fundy said with a map in his paws. Dream thought for a little. Didn't Sapnap say he was in prison? They could visit him. He nodded to himself. It seemed like a good idea. "Can we visit Sapnap?"
Fundy's eyes grew wide. "Sapnap? Why him? I didn't know you knew about him." "Yeah I met him with George." Fundy sighed and turned to George. "Did he use Sapnap T-T?" George nodded. "I knew it." Fundy mumbled. "Well I guess we can. But we have to be quick about it." Dream smiled and gave Fundy a thumbs up. Fundy smiled back and returned to the paper. "It's not far from here. Just a few minute walk."
After about 5 minutes they arrived. Dream observed the prison. It was huge compared to anything he remembered in Womenberg. They walked in and faced a portal. Dream felt light headed as he stared at the portal. 
"Dream, you good? You look like Ghostbur." George said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Dream nodded. "Y-yeah. It just feels all to familiar. 

Dream stood in front of the portal as it shinned. He would take one peak inside it them come back, he said to himself. The portal itself was weird. He was used to the white obsidian as the golden center illuminated through the forest. But instead it was black obsidian with a purple inside. Curiosity got the best of him and stepped through the portal.

"White obsidian." Dream whispered. George looked at him. "Fundy, he doing that weird thing again where he remembers something and mumbles itttt." Fundy turned to Dream, a hint of worry on his face. "What do you mean 'white obsidian?'' 
Dream faced Fundy. "Portals back home where white with a golden center. But the one I went through to get here was black and purple. I was curious on why it was different and where it would take me, so I step through it and ended up here. This portal reminded me of it."
George laughed. "Then it's a good thing we came here huh?" He joked, elbowing Fundy. Fundy just rolled his eyes, a smile forming on his face. The three stepped into the portal and after a few seconds came out, the scenery around them have completely changed.
Dream looked ahead and saw a desk with a, creeper? His guard was raised and he drew a bow and arrow, ready to shoot the creeper. It had full netherite armor, so he was in deep trouble. 
"HEY HEY HEY, DON'T SHOT I AM A NOT A CREEPER!" Said the Creeper, one of his hands raised and the other holding up a shield he summoned. "Well I mean I am but I promise I won't explode."
George and Fundy stood there, laughing their asses off.  "It's fine Dream he is the prison warren. No need to kill him." Dream eyed the Creeper and lowered his weapon. "So, who is this George?" The creeper asked, turning to him. "Sam, he is new here. His name is Dream and he wants to visit Sapnap." George answered as he walked to the desk, making the other two follow him.
"Nice to meet you Dream. If you had good hearing then you know that my name is Sam." Sam said as he held out a hand towards Dream. Dream took it and shook his hand. "Well then, its a great thing I can hear huh." Sam laughed. "I like this kid. But anyway back on track, I can't let you in there. Not yet at least."
Dream stood there confused. "Why not?" "Because someone else is already there."
Dream nodded as if he knew the person. Of course he didn't but he liked to act tough. "Then can we at least wait at the entrance?" Sam looked down. "Um, I am not sure. Quackity wouldn't like you hearing there conversation."
Fundy sighed. "Come on Sam. Just let George and Dream wait at the border."
"No can do."
"Then just take Quackity out then."
Sam check the clock behind him. "Fine. He has been in there for a while now, he should be done. Follow me. We have to run some security measurements throughout the way there." He said as he got out from behind the desk. "I have a few question to ask you, but Dream, I don't think you can answer most of them."
George and Dream nodded while Fundy leaned against one of the walls, looking at them with zero interest at this point. And so Sam began, "When is the last time you visited the prison?"
George and Dream shrugged and said together. "Never did. First time." Sam nodded and continued, writing something down in a book. "Where is your place of residence located?"
"Womenberg." said Dream as he looked around. Sam raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean L'manberg?" 
"Nope. Womenberg."
"Okkkayyy. He said, writing it down. "And you George?"
"You know where." said George. Sam nodded and wrote it down. "Dream and George do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked?" Dream turned to George. He didn't know what to say. The prisoner didn't deserve to be locked up. If he was in Sapnap's shoes, he would have done the same thing.
"Just say yes so he doesn't think you are sus." George whispered in his ear. Dream nodded and turned to Sam. "Yes." George did the same. Sam looked at both of them and wrote there answer down. "What are all your prior relations with the prisoner?"
"Nothing for me." said Dream.
"Um, I used to be his friend up until when he exiled Tommy and snapped. Can we just leave it at that?" George said, looking a little hurt as he recalled the past. Sam nodded and once more, god bless it if I have to say 'wrote it down' again I am going to stab you who ever is reading this, wrote it down. "Are you currently willing to submit to any and all physical exams?"
Dream looked up. "Wait what exams?" "Just some to make sure you aren't trying to break him out of anything." Sam said. "Oh ok. Then yes I am willing." 
George nodded as well.
"Do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you?"
Both nodded.
"Do you recognized that I, Awesomedude, in the ultimate authority on the grounds and what I say goes?"
"I thought his name was Sam." Dream said, whispering to George. 
"It is. His real name Is Awesomedude but he likes people to call him Sam."
"Got it. Yes we do."
Sam nodded and (WROTE IT DOWN GOD DAMN IT I AM ABOUT TO KILL SOMEONE). "Ok so there is book in front of you guys and I need you both to read it out loud. Take it and sigh it. Then sigh and seal it with your name." They nodded and opened the book, there voices echoing throughout the large room as they read:

"I hereby assume all  of the risk of visiting  the holding cell, including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the Prison guards, prisoners misbehaving, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned maintaining or controlled by the Prison Guards.

I certify that I waive, release, and discharge the Prison from any and all liability including but not limited to, death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me while traveling to and from visiting the Prisoner.

Written name then, sign:"

"Dang this prison is harsh. What happened did somebody die?" Dream said, chuckling. Sam's face fell and he turned away. George smacked Dream. "You idiot. Remember what I told you. Tommy died here." "Oh..." Dream said, looking at Sam. "I'm sorry." Sam turned around, shrugging. "It's fine. Just go to the last page and sign your name. George I will have to get another copy for you to sign." "Alright." said George as he waited. Dream picked up the quill and dipped it in ink, writing his name.

Dream :)

Sam handed George a copy and George sighed his name. "Ok now I will need both of those books back." Sam said as he went behind the desk once more. They handed him the books and Sam put them away. "Ok now I want you two to put your things in the locker room right over here." He pulled a lever and a room appeared just to the left of them. George and Dream walked over there and put there stuff in it, dividing the large chest so they could share.
Sam walked over and watched them. "Place you items in the locker then press the button to the side."  They did as they were told and pressed the button. A key popped out of no where and Dream held it. "Alright you two should have gotten a key to share. You're gonna need to put they key in you ender chest." Dream nodded and opened the ender chest and put it inside. 
"Alright come with me." Sam walked away and the others followed. Fundy waved to them as they passed. "Go through the entrance at the very end of the right side of the hall." George and Dream walked in there. "Ok what next Sam?"
Sam walked in on the other side of the glass. "You can click the bed next to you on your right." They both did it and looked at Sam. "Very good. Now can you two step on the blue lights right there." Dream looked down and saw what he was talking about and dragged George over to it.
"Try not to move."
Boarders lifted around them and dream felt his heartbeat quicken. Harming potions were throw at them until they both died. Dream shuddered as he responded on the other side.

"Welcome to the prison."


Coming up:

Chapter 7- Welcome to the Prison Dream

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now