Chapter 14- The Announcement

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"Where is that little bastard?!" Quackity snapped, axe in hand and looked like he was ready to kill someone. Sam placed a hand on his shoulder, try to get him to calm down. "Relax Quackity. We have everyone looking for Sapnap as we speak." Quackity shook his head. "Not him. Dream! He is the main reason we are in this shit right now. If I see that little prick again I will fucking kill him." He threatened. Sam looked at him before talking. "I think you need to take a break from all of this. Go on a walk of or something mkay?"
Quackity sighed and walked away, pissed. Didn't Sam get it?! Sapnap was the only person that could bring Schlatt back. He needed him. He walked down the prime path, trying to slow his breath down. Laughter and shushing broke his concentrating. He growled, and looked around for whoever did it. A blur past in the corner of his eye. He raised his axe, ready to strike. "Who's there?!" He yelled out. Talking could be heard from behind the building. A male with blonde hair walked out and a black frowny mask. He shoved his hands into his red hoodie. "Umm hi?" The male said nervously. 
Quackity stared at the other. He looked like Dream, but he wasn't? "Who are you?" He asked, pointing the axe to the figure. The male scolded and turned to the building. "I told you not to be loud." An another male with white hair and a purple beanie poked out. "Sorry but what was I suppose to do. Jonathan just got the shit roasted out of." He said, still laughing a little. Quackity stood there confused. What? Who's the guys with the purple beanie? And who's Jonathan?
"You still didn't answer my question, who are you. . .clone of Dream?" He said, uncertain. The first male light up at the sound of the name. "Dream?! You know Dream?!" Quackity didn't have anytime to answer because the other turned to the building. "Alright guys come on out, he knew who Dream is."
The purple beanie guy came out, then another, then another, then another, and another, until there were 9 people standing in front of him. "Are you gonna answer my damn question or what?" Quackity snapped. The leader, he guessed, made a hand gesture. "Oh sorry about that. Forgot. I'm Nightmare. Over there is Nrista, Jonathan, Honkity, Carl, Tomathy, Tub, Wise-ish, and Ret. We came here to look for Dream. And also we had to warn you about something."
"About what. That Dream is a trouble maker? We already know. He broke a Sapnap out of prison." He said, glancing at them. Not like they knew who Sapnap was, but it was better to get if off his chest. 
NIghtmare turned to the group, all thinking the same thing. That was defiantly Napsap's opposite. "Well sorry about that. . .?"
"Quackity." The male with black hair and a beanie said.  Honkity raced up to him and smiled. "Oh so you're my-" He was cut off my Jonathan shoving his hand over his mouth. "Sorry about him." The ram apologized. "He get way over himself sometimes. Anyway, we are hoping to find Dream. You said he broke someone out of prison?" He asked. Quackity nodded. 
"So do you know where we went?"
"In the forest somewhere. He went with Ranboo, George, Ghostbur- well I guess Wilbur since he was revived, Technoblade and a few others."
Jonathan nodded and turned to Nightmare. "Do you want us to split up so we can do both of the things at once?" Nightmare hummed in reply. "Ok. Ret, Honkity, Carl, and Nrista, you four will find the people of this SMP. Jonathan, Wise-ish, Tomathy and Tub, you will be in charge of finding Dream in the forest."
"What about you?" Tub asked, his tone not uncovering anything. 
"I will be settling up a meeting place for when you return, as well as helping gather people. Meet at the portal?" Everyone nodded. "Great. Well Quackity it's nice to meet you if you want to get everyone together you can. Nrista will show you where to bring them. Everyone else, let's do this." He pumped his fist in the air and everyone cheered. They split into their groups and ran off, each doing what they needed to do.


Dream sat in the living room, looking through some books. A tap on his shoulder caused him to jump. There, George stood, his eyes filled with confusion. 
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. Dream smiled and nodded, patting to the cushion next to him. George sat down and turned to him. Silence broke out in between them until George finally decided to speak up. "So I have been following you around since the beginning. I have watched different things and seem the world change around you. I get you have some memory loss right now, but can you please explain what the hell is going on? I mean, opposite worlds? People coming to kill us?"
Dream sighed. "Look I don't know anything just like you. I never heard about this place until well, I was here. But I know this opposite world we live in is real. Drista made some good points."
"Then can you tell me about it?" George asked, his eyes sparkling. Dream smiled. "Well there are the same amount of people that live their as here I guess. I not sure." He laughed. "Um, I live in the kingdom of Womenberg with my mother, General Spuffy, and three siblings, Nightmare, Nrista, and Drista. Drista went missing one day, as she explained, which caused Nrista to snap and destroyed the kingdom. She was later exiled from Womenberg, and I haven't seem her since."
George placed a reassuring hand on Dream's thigh. "I'm sorry." Dream smiled and shrugged if off. "It's ok. When my mom had to go on more supply runs, Goodboyhalo and Redza would look after us."
"So that's why you called Philza Redza!" George pointed out. Dream nodded and continued. "Yep. We would go over to the Awake Bois' house and hang out and have fun. There lived of course, Redza, Tec, Tomathy, Tub, and Jared. They were really fun as kids. We would always go over there. There was also Geo and Napsap, they were good friends."
"Is Geo my opposite?"
"What was he like?"
"Well he was defiantly stronger than you, but tended to sit in the background of things. He not the person that want attention, which is the complete opposite for Honkity."
"Really?" George questioned, laughing.
"Oh my god yes. Honkity is such a prick. He is terrible. He thinks he is such a joker when really, he sucks." Dream whispered the last part like it wasn't some secret that everyone already knows.  George giggled, making the room seem brighter. 
"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" Drista asked, walking in. Dream waved. "Hey Drista. You're fine. I was just talking to George about life in the Nightmare SMP."
Drista nodded, eating what look like a bag of chips. "Nice, mind telling me some? I haven't been there in like forever. I am dying to see if anything has changed. . ."


He grumbled. Tundy should know the plan Nightmare discussed right? If she didn't, then she was going to be in trouble with Good. He sighed, looking at the three people in front of them. Why, out of the two other jobs he could have been put in, that he had to get this one. It was stupid. He should have went to the other one, or at least say something. At least he knew what Quackity was like, he thought, trying to cheer himself up. He took a mental note of the appearance and the axe had pointed to him. 
She better hurry up, he complained as he listen to the people in front of him chat away.


More about the mysterious traitor, Any more guesses? Better get your answer in quick, in about a chapter or two I am reveling the traitor. :)
Have a great day everyone
Blooperfish loves you all platonicly and hope you have a great day

Coming up:

Chapter 15- Gather the troops

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now