Chapter 3- Fever Dream

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"I think he is waking up." said a voice above him. Dream opened his eyes to a blinding light. He covered his eyes as he got up, his head throbbing. God his head was killing him. He slowly got up to find himself in a bed with two figures looking back at him. He looked at the first one. They had black hair that was kept out of his head with a white headband and two man buns poking out from each side of his hair. They wore a white plain shirt with a fire symbol in the middle of hit, contrasting with their torn black pants. He smiled, his orange eyes twinkling. "Hello!"
Dream waved shyly and turned to the other figure. They had curly brown hair and wore a light blue shirt with a white box and a red outline in the middle of the shirt. The figure lifted their white and black glasses to show caramel eyes studying him. "Welcome yellow person!" The other person laughed and pushed the seemingly color-blind male. "George, he is clearly green! Wear your darn glasses."
George blushed from embarrassment and put their glasses back on. "Oh I can see that now. I'm sorry, umm, what's your name mister?" Dream wheezed and shook his head. "Dream. Name's dream." Both of the two strangers' eyes grew wide. "Wait really?! Oh my god that's so cool!" George said, turning to the other. The male nodded, "Yeah! He will fit in perfectly!" Dream looked at the two, confused, "umm, can anyone tell me why my name is so cool?"
"Oh right! well, you're in the Dream SMP! Because..." He turned to the other and they nodded and said at the same time sarcastically, "It's a dream to live here." said the both of them, throwing jazz hands in the air to add more effect. Dream raised an eyebrow and nodded. "So I am guessing it's hell here by the look of your faces." George nodded. "Yeah. Oh wait! Where are our manners? My name is Georgenotfound! But please, call me George."
"And I'm Sapnap, at you service." He bowed jokingly. Dream laughed and got up. This place reminded him of somewhere, but, where? Geroge followed him. "Oh, you might be wondering where you are. This is the community house. New and improved ever since someone bunt it down." Dream nodded and turned to Sapnap, looking at the fire sign on his shirt. Sapnap saw him staring and said, "Hey! It wasn't me! Just because I am obsessed with fire doesn't mean I burnt this place down!" Dream chuckled, noticing his missing mask on a crafting table. He grabbed it and put in on.
"So, we told you about ourselves, what about you? Where you from?" Sapnap said, sitting down on a bed. Dream thought from a long time, rubbing the back of his neck. "Umm, I don't remember." George raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall. "What do you mean you don't remember? Wait- that might have been from the rubble we found you under." Sapnap nodded. "Yeah. We were looking for some coal when we found some weird looking obsidian out in the middle of a meadow. George went over there and found you under it." Geroge cut him off before Sapnap could finish. "It looked like it collapsed on you. That might have caused severe head trauma, probably amnesia."
Sapnap rolled his eyes. "And leave it to nurse George to know these kinds of things." Dream turned to George, curious. "You're the nurse for this kingdom?" George laughed. "nope, not even close. Plus, this is not a kingdom, why would you guess that?" Dream shrugged. "It just felt right. I guess I grew up in a kingdom." "Like Eret?" Sapnap questioned. "Who's Eret?" Dream asked. Sapnap sighed. "Darn, I thought you maybe grew up there, well Eret is the only king in this land, everyone else is about presidency. Well I mean except Myself of course. I rule the whole Dream SMP." He said proudly.
George laughed, "Yeah, says the one who is supposed to be in prison right now." "Prison?!" Dream said, alarmed. What did Sapnap do to get in prison?! Sapnap flailed his arms out in front of him, trying to calm Dream down. "Nonono it's not like that! We do these Lore streams and roleplay. So right now we are in Season 3 and I am in prison right now." Dream nodded, trying to understand. So their life is just a Tv show? He was deep in thought when George tapped his on the shoulder, causing him to jump. "We are going to stream soon, do you want to as well?" Dream sat there, thinking. "Sure- I think I have streamed before." Sapnap eyes sparkled. "We could use this as a side plot. Like dream comes and we have to find out where he lives and all." George nodded along. "Yeah that sound amazing! We could talk to Phil about it since he is old and all-knowing or some kind of shit." Sapnap laughed while Dream tilted his head. "Who is Phil?" He asked.
George turned to him. "Oh sorry! I forgot you didn't know him. His name is Philza Minecraft and he is basically the oldest one here." Dream stood there. The name sounded familiar, but from where? Philza Minecraft...

"Fellas, supper is done!" Said _____, holding bowls in his hand. Dream raced to the dining room, with Nightmare and 4 other figures behind him. They all yelled and played around as the blurry figure started setting down the bowls in front of each person. They went to the kitchen and brought out a huge pot of soup. Potato soup. Dream believed it was one of the other kid's favorites. He sat in his chair and _____ poured him a good amount. "Thanks _____, you're the best! I wish I had a father like you!" _____ smiled softly. Nightmare peaked his head into the conversation. "_____ is the best father ever! At least you have a father." He said, turning to the 4 other figures. They laughed, making _____ smile even more...

"Dream? You ok man? Your face went pale for a moment."
Dream snapped out of it, looking at the male who said that. George looked back at him worried. Dream just shrugged it off. "Yeah. I thought I remembered something." Sapnap jumped up. "Really? What did you remember?!" Dream sighed. "Just some random memory. Although I could recall one person in it. His name was Nightmare. I think he was my brother, but I am not sure." Sapnap nodded. "Yeah i could see that. One child being named 'Dream' and the other 'Nightmare'. He must be your brother!"
Dream smiled slightly. That at least one person he could remember now. He must find out about his family by the next 3 days as a goal for himself. Yeah, that would do, he said to himself. Did he even have a mother? Was he an orphan? Who was that other male there? He seemed like a fatherly figure.
"Dream snap out of it, your live in front of my pandas!" Sapnap chuckled. Dream smiled and waved a hand near Sapnap, knowing that the camera was on him even though he couldn't see it. "Oh shit- I have to go to the prison. oh well, good luck guys! I will try to get Wilbur to break me out of prison as soon as possible. See you then." He waved than ran off. Dream waved back and turned to George, who looked like he got set up.
"Hello guys! Today I would like to introduce a new member to the Dream SMP: Dream!" Dream smiled. "Hello." George chuckled and put his arm around Dream's shoulder. "So just a few hours ago we found him trapped under this weird looking portal and now he is ours to take care of. He doesn't remember where he is from so it's our job to help him. It's he cool?" Dream wheezed and pushed George playfully. "Don't feed them lies George. I am as cool as you and Sapnap combined."
George rolled his eyes. "Anyway guys we are going to head over to Phil's place and ask him if he knows anything about a place dream could have come from, but while we are at it I will introduce you to the rest of the SMP." Dream nodded. "Sounds good enough..."


Coming up:

Chapter 4- Just a Nightmare

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now