Chapter 4- Just a Nightmare

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Nightmare ran. He ran until he legs felt like they could drop, but he couldn't stop. He had to find him. Dream. He was missing. The search party was just established and it's been at least a day since he was missing. It was all his fault. He should have made Dream go with him. Nightmare always knew that Dream likes to winder off, most of the time getting lost. But he thought dream was just going to hear home that day, no matter if he hated helping around the house or not. He isn't really close with anyone in the SMP, even if it looks like it. He tends to keep to himself. If anything, Geo would probably be his best friend. They share a lot in common. They both love manhunting, manipulating people, and basically everything bloody.
"DREAM?! DREAMMMM?" He called, putting his hands close to his mouth. His throat felt sore, but he didn't care. Where could he have gone? Nightmare thought for a long time util his eyes grew wide, realizing where Dream must be. "That's the only play we haven't check. But...I need Good. He knows more about that stuff than I do." He swiped his hands down in front of him in a single movement, a small screen showing in front of him. He clicked the settings button and switched over to creative.

/tp Nightmare Goodboyhalo

All the sudden he was in Good's house. The male was reading a book in his library. Good looked up and jumped. "Holy shit Night! You scared the living crap out of me!" Good placed a hand to his heart, calming himself down. "Good, I think I know where Dream is." Good raised an eyebrow. "Ok where?"
"He is at the portal."
Good shot up. "Well what are we waiting for, let's go see!" Good closed his eyes and waved a hand around himself, causing him to disappear in a blue glow. Nightmare, looking grim, flew out of the house and made their way to the forest. They stood in the place where the portal once was, their faces full of shock. He wasn't there. "And neither is the portal." Good said, finishing Nightmares thought. Nightmare nodded. "We have to find some more obsidian and get Dream."
"I am afraid it's not that easy." Good said, shaking his head and kicking the rubble underneath his feet. "This obsidian came from the other side. If we just use our normal obsidian then it will just give us a portal to the End and that's it, not a different world." Nightmare yelled and punched a nearby tree in frustration. "Damn it! Why can't everything just be easy in life. I just want my brother back." A tear ran down his cheek. He sniffed as Good hugged him tightly.
"It's ok." Good shushed the sobbing male. He glanced at the portal that was in ruins. Dream would pay for that but for now he had to find a way to get more of that white obsidian. "I might find something in my books, but that's just about it. Call off the search since we know where he is. Oh, and send me Tundy if you can find her."
Nightmare nodded and flew off. Good sighed and leaned against a tree. This was proving to be rather difficult...

"What?! You found him?" said General Spuffy between breaths. The search party was gathered under the Womentree. They all paid bottles of water and were drinking out from them. The sun beamed down upon them and Nightmare stood in front of the rest. He always hated delivering the bad news.
"Yeah, but he is in the opposite world." The crowd grew louder at that news. They were surprised. Them always told Dream to stay away from it throughout the years. Spuffy let out a sobbed and hugged Jonathan, who was sitting right next to her. Jonathan smiled sadly and patted his sister on her back. "It's ok. But you can get him, right?" He asked Nightmare. The group turned to Nightmare, hoping for good news. Nightmare sighed. "We need to find black obsidian. Ours is normally white so it might be impossible to find some." The crowd turned to one another; their faces full of grief.
Ret got up. "Is their anyway I could help? Or any of us?" Nightmare was about to shake his head no, but an idea came to mind. "Possibly. You could mine until you find some. There might be black obsidian somewhere. And everyone else, experiment.. What can make a material turn black with losing its purpose?" Everyone nodded and got up to leave. Tundy brushed her white hair back and got up. Nightmare spotted her and called out for her. "Tundy! Say behind please!" Tundy tilted her head to the male but nodded and walked towards him. Her movements were smooth and coronated. After all, she was an artic fox. "Need something Nightmare?" She asked, her German accent thick. "Yeah. Good wanted you to meet him. I think he is still at his house. Most likely in the library." Tundy nodded and went that way. Nightmare sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He hoped Dream was doing alright...


"You called me Sir?" Tundy said in the doorway. Good looked at her and smiled. "Tundy! My favorite Furry! Come on in." Tundy rolled her eyes and sat down in a small chair next to Good. "I thought Froastant was your favorite." Good waved a hand. "Now now. Don't be picky." Tundy looked around at the empty chair next to her. "Where's Redza?"
"Who knows where that raven is by now. He was supposed to come back an hour ago. I guess there was some complication." Tundy tsked. "You really need to start showing your cards to me Good. I could help more if you told me what you needed done. In fact, I could be better than Redza." Good sighed. They always had this conversation every time they met. "Tundy, I know you could be a lot better than the old man but trust is also important in this case. No one can know my plan. Not even you. The only one I could trust is Redza, for now. But do you job and I will reward you, got it?"
Tundy nodded. "Yes sir." They sat in silence until Redza bust in. "Sorry I'm late. I got trapped with a room full of mobs." "I'm surprised you didn't die." Tundy said, chuckling. Redza glared at the spoiled brat. "Watch it fox."
He sat down with the other two and they both looked at Good. "So what's the plan?" Redza asked Good. "Well since Dream has gone to the other world, I think its a perfect time to go through with our plan, don't you think?" The two nodded as Good continued. "We will lay low for now but Tundy I need you to do something."
"What is it Sir?" Asked Tundy, her eyes hopeful for an adventure. "I need you to go spy on Dream. We need to know where he is am who he is with. Gather as much information as possible." Tundy sat there confused. "But sir, don't we need wblack obsidian to open the portal?" Good nodded. "Yes but, I have the power to open a portal. I only did it once to know if it work or not but I have been saving up my energy just for this. You think you can do it?" Tundy nodded. Good smiled. "Great. Now Tundy just stand up and close your eyes."
Tundy did as she was told and got up, closing her eyes. Good closed his as well, waving his hands in front of him. They hand a symbol but Tedza couldn't understand what it meant. A light blue glow came from Good and wrapped itself around Tundy. Soon enough, she was gone, leaving mist only in her place...

Tundy opened her eyes to the landscape around her. She made it. The Dream SMP...


Coming up:

Chapter 5- A deal with a Fox

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now