Chapter 7- Welcome to the Prison Dream

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"Glad to see you didn't keep anything on you. Let's move along." said Sam as he pulled out a key card. "One moment I have to raise the floor." He put they key in and pulled the lever in front of him, making the deep lava pit to the side of them turn into a passageway. "You two can continue down to the next part, I have to stay behind to grab the key. This will happen every time." Sam informed them. They nodded and walked down the path as it opened up to a room. They stood in the center as Sam walked down the same pathway, his key in hand. Dream noticed a set of stairs that lead someone and questioned them. I wonder where they lead, he wondered as he walked towards them. 
"We aren't going up there, we are going to the vault just up ahead of us." Sam said as he walked to the front way. George followed but Dream stayed behind and lingered. He would check it out later but for now he should follow Sam, he thought as he caught up with the others. Sam walked to the side and inserted the key and pulled the lever. The door opened in front of them and they stood there in awe. 
"Must have taken a long time to build this." Dream said as he eyed the machinery. Sam nodded. "Yeah. It was probably one of the biggest projects in the SMP." George and dream walked forward until they had to stop due to there being no flooring. 
"Give me a moment." Sam said as he did his thing. The floor rose up, allowing the three of them to continue on. "I will be sealing us in from now on. If anyone breaks out, this is as far as they will make it." Dream watched as the only way out was sealed tightly. They made their way down the hall past all the low security cells and to a wall. Sam punched in that damn key again and pulled the motherfucking lever Kronk. (if you don't get that reference them we are no longer best friends), opening the wall up. "Continue through." 
The two walked through, looking around at the small room. Sam walked in and took his place by one button and three levers. "Alright you two, go ahead and click that bed over there." They did as they were told. 
"I need both of you to stand on the blue lights over there." said Sam as he closed the entrance to the room. Dream nodded and stood over there with George.  "I am going to preform a manual search now try not to move ok?" They nodded as Sam took out his sword and killed them. They responded next to the bed shorty after. "Very good we'll go towards the main cell now." He opened an door to the right of them. "Go stand of the shroom." 
Both walked over to the tight space and stood on the same block. Sam pulled a lever that gave them poison splash potions, taking away all but a half of a heart. 
"Gee now I know why the kid died." Dream grumble to himself. George heard this and snickered a little. Sam rolled his eyes and lead them to a small hole in the wall filled to the brim with water. "Ok go through there."  Dream held his breath and swam through the small opening as it opened up into a room. His eyes sparkled as levers were all over the place. He wanted to pull one so bad but a glare from George told him not to. "First things first click the bed in the corner." 
Both did it and walked with Sam to the books.
"I need you both to read these out loud and sign them."
They nodded and began:

"In event of security protocol taking place while I am within the bounds of the maximum security cell, I hereby acknowledge that I could potentially be locked within the cell for up to 7 days or until security issue is resolved. Signed:

In the event that the prisoner is to escape during my visit or after my visit because of my actions, I hereby give permission for any individual to hunt me down and kill me until I am completely dead. Signed:"

As Dream read the last one, shivers ran down his spine. The thought of helping Sapnap escape was to mean death around here. He jolted down his name in both of the books and handed them to Sam and George followed suit. He showed them to yet another tight space that they had to cram themselves into. 
"What you don't like being next to me?" Dream joked as he watched George try to put space in between them. George looked at him like he was stupid and continued what he was doing. Sam splashed them both with fire resistance. "Go stand on the honey block." Dream nodded and followed a cranky George to the block, standing perfectly still. 
"See you on the other side."
Sam pulled a lever and pushed Dream and George into the gooey lava, of course it not effecting them. As they made it out they saw Sam already there, looking rather bored. "Step into the water right in front or you so you don't burn." Dream hopped in and the fire died down. He got out which allowed George to do the same. The three walked up a flight of stairs and reached the top with George out of breath. "Welcome to the man cell Dream, George." Sam said, nodding at each of them. "Just click that bed over there."
(Insert the click of a bed or whatnot)
"Now just wait while I get Quackity out of there." Sam walked to the corner and pressed a button. As soon as he did they could heard Quackity's voice;


They could hear Sapnap's sobs through the speaker, causing Dream to be furious.
"Enough Quackity, we have more visitors waiting. Go stand in the spot and I will get you out. Dream heard this 'Quackity' fella mumble something under his breath. Spanish perhaps? He wasn't sure. Next thing they knew Quackity was next to the bed they set there spawn point at. Dream studied Quackity. Blood covered the male's face and he wiped it off with a white gloved hand.
"Who's this Sam?" Quackity asked, his golden wings fluttering behind him. Sam, looking grim on the two being caught turned to Quackity and said in a small voice. "This is Dream. He is new here and wished to see the prisoner." Quackity smirked and made his way over to Dream. 
"Well hello there Dream. I'm Quackity. You seem funny." Quackity said, giving Dream a glance. Dream frowned from behind his mask as he stared at the blood on the others clothes. 
"Why do you have blood on you Quackity." George asked, his voice a little shaky. Quackity shrugged and walked away. Sam caught up with him and they talked for a minute. It looked like Quackity handed him an axe and sword but Dream couldn't see clearly in the dark room.
Sam returned and told them to stand on the platform. They nodded and did as they were told. The platform under them started moving as the lava lowered. Soon enough they hopped off and hit the obsidian floor. Purple goo dripped from the ceiling. A figure in a orange prison outfit turned staring at them. Sapnap.
"Hello George~" Sapnap said, making his way to George as the boarder lowered. He tilted George's head up, making the shorter look at him. "You finally decided to visit. I missed you." George shook him off. "You are lucky I came at all. The only reason was to come with Dream, if not then you would have never seem me." Sapnap tsked and turned to Dream. Dream felt the other's eyes stare at him. "So this is Dream huh. Why are you here?"
Dream took a deep breath. This was the time, now or never.

"I want to break you out."

Sapnap raised an eyebrow. George looked at Dream in disbelieve. "Why would you help me?" Sapnap asked and he leaned on the wall. "I heard of the story people told about you. I would have done the same if I was in your shoes. You don't deserve this Sapnap. Let me help you. Together, we can help you escape the torturer Quackity places upon you and be free."
Sapnap laughed. "I like you already. Is George in as well?" George looked up. "I will, IF, and only if, you give me Eret's kingdom." Sapnap though for a minute. "Deal. Now I already have a plan. I need you to grab Ghostbur, Technoblade, and Ranboo. Come back tomorrow and I will tell more of the plan." Both nodded. And so the hunt began...


Good knocked on the door of Jared's house. The owner and Kini answered. "What do you want Good? Don't you have a search to help?" Good laughed slightly. "That's not why I am here. I came to ask you two a question." Jared studied him and looked around, making sure no one else was there. He opened the door wide enough for Good to walk in. "Ok what was it?" Good smirked. 
"What if I said you could have the chaos you wanted?"
Kini and Jared smirked.
"We are listening."


Coming Up:

Chapter 8- Ghosthunting

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