Chapter 2- A Portal that will remain...opened?

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A fit of giggles from another male caused Dream to stir awake. He opened his eyes to find someone with white hair and a purple beanie blocking his view. The person in front of him started laughing even more and spread his silver goose wings, flapping them and moving backwards. Dream started at them, looking for any signs of what he did to him while he was asleep. He looked down past their purple sweatshirt to find a black marker in his hands.
"Honkity..." He said warningly. Honkity laughed and flew upwards so the other couldn't get him. Dream turned around to block everyone that was gathered around view of his face as he took of his mask. He examined it, a frown growing on his face. There were doodles all over his mask. Including one that said 'Honkity rules' with a goose next to it. He grumbled and went through his inventory, pulling out some harden clay and applying it to the mask.
Soon enough the mask returned to its normal state and Dream put it back on and faced the ground, looking up and the still-laughing Honkity. "You have a horrible sense in humor." Honkity stopped laughing to looked down at him and flipped him off before landing back on the ground.
"At least I can pull of a better prank that Jeff. He can't prank someone if his life depended on it." A male with black hair and an orange mark on their face looked up and their name being called. The person's name who was supposingly Jeff got up and faced Honkity. "So what if I can't 'pull a prank' like you. At least I am not a little whore who needs women to make them feel better about myself." Honkity stared daggers at Jeff, the tension between them growing rather quickly.
"What did you just say?" Honkity asked, making their way towards Jeff. A girl with faded pink hair and a black crop top with ripped jeans smirked devilishly, chanting, "Fight, fight, fight." Dream looked at her and sighed. "Kini, didn't we make a rule saying, 'No fighting under the protection of the Womentree's branches?'" Kini lowered their head, sad that they wouldn't get to witness a fight. "Yeah..."
Jared, a male with a military-cut for his brown hair, frowned as well, pulling their trench coat closer to their chest. His face full of bruises and scars from trying to fight other members, looked up at the two getting closer to each other. Honkity and Jeff both summoned swords but Nightmare stood in front of them, clearly upset.
"Guys come on. We get it. You think that Jeff isn't a clown like you, and You think that Honkity is a dating many women at once to make him feel somehow better about himself, you don't need to fight to prove it." A purple hair with pig ears on the top of their head nodded as they ate a potato in their hand. They got up and walked to Nightmare, there simple white shirt and brown shorts contrasting to their vibrant blue colored eyes. "Yeah, Nightmare is right. It's wasteful to use up your energy on a battle when we know who is clearly going to win."
Jeff sighed and sat down but Honkity had to take some calming down before he sat down. Dream rolled his eyes and looked at one of his friends, Geo, as they were sharpening their iron sword. He leaned over and whispered into their ear, "How do you deal with them every meeting?" Geo chuckled softly and placed the sword in his inventory, turning to Dream. "Well, Good is here most of the time but I guess he didn't come today." Both looked around through the small crowd, searching for the white and blue demon. Dream frowned after he could find Good and turned back to Geo.
"Huh, I guess he isn't coming today either." Geo said, looking disappointed. Dream smiled slightly, elbowing Geo and saying, "Hey but at least you have me." Geo laughed a little and elbowed him back. "Yeah, maybe coming to this meet up was a bad idea after all." Dream laughed along with him and they talked for a little until the two of them were interrupted by a blonde and brunette arguing. The crowd turned to the two to reveal Tomothy and Tub.
"How do you not like Swagtopia?! You created it!" said the male wearing a red long-sleeved and khaki pants, Tub. He shook his head causing the wasp that was nesting in his hair to fly away. The other wearing a green long-sleeved and black pants, Tomothy, shouted at Tub. They fought for a while, Dream letting it slide since they always fight. He was surprised they were still friends. Tub was very toxic to everyone, but mostly Tomothy. But still, like a lost duckling, Tomothy would cling on to Tub. Dream found this funny that Tomothy would hold on to Tub by a thread. He expects that the thread will snap anytime now, probably right now as they speak. Or argue, for that matter.
The sudden water splashing into the fighter's faces announced another's arrival. Napsap, a water manipulator, walked to the group and sat next to Geo and Dream. "Way to make a grand entrance Mapsnap." Geo said sarcastically. Napsap laughed and got out a bucket of water, using his power to make the water float in mid-air. "I could have made a bigger one." He said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Booran, a half human half enderdragon, heard this statement and shook his head, speaking loudly as he said, "Yeah, good luck with that man, that would be the 58th time you would embarrass yourself this month, but please, be my guest." You see, Booran had great memory. Even from his childhood he could remember what he had for breakfast from about 2 months ago. Dream thought of Booran as useful, so he kept him close just in case someone need their memory jogged.
Napsap opened his mouth to say something but no words came out, so instead he just turned away and splashed Booran on the shoulder with some of his water. They were about to get into yet another fight when Jonathan stood up. "Okayyy! I think this meeting should come to an end don't you think? Yeahh..." He said softly, looking around at the faces greeting back at him. They all nodded and got up, talking among themselves and going into groups.
Dream watched as one by one, the people around his left to go talk to their friends. Nightmare got up after everyone but the two of them left and offered his hand to dream. Dream smiled slightly and took it, getting up. "Where to now?" He asked Nightmare. Nightmare shrugged and looked around. "I was going to go hang out in the end with Booran, want to come?" Dream shook his head. Even if he did think of Booran as a friend, he wouldn't want to visit the end. The last time he did he almost killed one of Booran's relatives. "I'll think I'll pass for now."
Nightmare nodded and pulled out obsidian. It's white surface gleaming. He placed down 12 blocks to for a rectangle shape and pulled out some flint and steel from his inventory. Striking the two against each other, a spark of fire made its way onto the portal, making the inside of it glow golden. Nightmare turned to his brother, giving him a thumbs up before jumping in. For a second Dream thought of portal trapping Nightmare but thought against it, seeing how their mother would kill him if she found out. So the male just sighed and walked away from the tree.
Dream made his way back to his house when he felt a sudden pain shot through his shoulder. He looked down to see an arrow through it, blood spilling out of his arm. He held his breath as he ripped the arrow out of his shoulder, yelping in pain. He turned around to spot the skeleton that shot him and saw it, just a few feet from him. He looked down at the arrow, finally noticing it's colors. It was green, meaning that it was poisonous. He quickly dropped it and wiped his hand on his hoodie. Frantic, he turned and ran away, his vision growing blurry. He didn't know where he was running to as long as it wasn't near the skeleton. He reached into his inventory and pulled out a healing potion, chugging it and turning around to see if the arrow-shooting skeleton was still there.
Luckly enough, it wasn't but instead of the houses that he thought was surrounding him it was replaced with trees. He searched around, the pieces finally clicking. He knew where he was. It was the forest. The same one he went into nine years ago. He looked around, trying to find something that stood out like before. But nothing did. He walked around for a while as the sunrise grew into the sunset. Growing nervous, he quickened his pace. Stumbling on an uprooted branch, he fell on his stomach, the wind knocked right out of him. He looked up and spit the dirt that made its way into his mouth during the fall.
As he brushed off the dirt and grass from his outfit, he noticed the familiar area that he stumbled into. It was the path, just like before. Should he follow it? He thought to himself as the looked around. There was no one stopping him. Maybe a quick peak then he will set up camp for the night. He nodded, agreeing with himself and slowly made his way down the path. The path was dimly lit with torches. Curiosity overwhelmed him and he found himself in awe at the scene around him. The path itself was old and run down, which made Dream question why. Didn't Good and Nightmare say never to go down here? Who would dare oppose them, well besides himself of course.
A sudden branch snapping made Dream panic and press himself against a tree. He looked around the tree to find a small opening with someone there? He rubbed his eyes, unsure if they were playing tricks of him, but sure enough there was a figure standing to what seemed like a portal? It wasn't like any portal he ever seen. Instead of the white obsidian he was use too it
He focused on the figure as the light for the torches shone on their face. It was...Good? Why was he there? Maybe that's why he wasn't at the meeting, Dream said to himself, looking around to find yet another figure making their way towards Good. The hood on their head made it impossible to figure out who it was. Dream watched as the figure walked up to Good, bowing a little.
"Was everyone there?" Good questioned the figure. Was everyone where, Dream questioned. The figure shook their head before saying, "No sir. Ret, Tundy, Wise-ish, Carl, and Redza weren't there today." Good nodded. "I sent Redza on a mission, so he won't be back for a while. As for the others, keep an eye on them, I don't want anyone wondering into places they shouldn't be messing around in." The figure nodded and started to walk back in the direction they came from, disappearing from view. Good sighed and touched the portal. "Soon, very soon." He lowered their hoodie and with a snap of their fingers, they were gone.
Dream felt a million questions swarming in his head. Why did Good need to know who was at the meeting? Who was the figure? Why did they need to keep an eye on them? He shook his head, clearing those questions and thoughts. Making his way towards the portal, he felt his heartbeat rise. It was old and recede, it look like any second it could collapse. With shaky hands, he grabbed the flit and steel and lit the portal, eyes growing wide. It was purple, not the golden he was used to. He grabbed the edge of the portal and jumped in.
The ride felt bumpy, and he thought he was going to be sick. He finally came out of the other end and fell face first into some dirt. His vision blurred and he looked up to see the portal behind his shaking. He tried to get out from under it but it was too late. The portal collapsed, burying him under all the rubble. He felt his eye lids grow heavy, trying to fight the tiredness. The last thing he could see was light seeping through and a voice sounding somewhat familiar... 


Coming up:

Chapter 3- Fever Dream

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now