Chapter 10- Is memory loss really a bad thing?

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Nightmare wondered away from the chaos. Nrista was only here for one day and everyone wanted her out. He wanted to talk to someone about it, but who? His Uncle was busy trying to calm down the riot of people, his Mother was helping Nrista, and Dream- he wasn't here. The male sighed and walked down a cobblestone path, eyes on the ground. A sudden noise of something knocking over caught his attention. He glanced up to see just barely a figure making their way to Napsap's house. He frowned and quickly followed. That figure wasn't Napsap. that's for sure. Napsap was one of those kind of people to make themselves noticed. It could of been Carl, or Honkity, his ex's. 
Carl would have been the best answer. Carl is dull and keeps to himself. Doesn't even laugh. People call his depressed and he could agree. Nightmare followed the figure, catching a glimpse of the person.


Why was he at Napsap's house? The male question this as he did behind Napsap's waterfall. Good knocked on the door and Napsap answered. He couldn't hear, but Good said something that made the other's face fall. It look like whatever Good said was a demand, not a suggestion. As Good went into Napsap's house, Nightmare ran over to under the window and tried to listen to what they were saying, only making out a few words each time.

"...going to the other world..."
"Forget Dream-..."
"...kill them.."

Nightmare listened as much as he heard and got a quick peak inside as he stood up. There Napsap was shaking Good's hand. A deal? To kill someone? From the other side? Question swarmed his mind. He turned around and ran back. He had to tell someone...


Techno stood at the end of the group, messing with his cape. Dream turned and have him a thumbs up. Techno looked back at him and smirked a little. "Now who else is coming to the party Dream?" He asked, touching up the white fluff that went around his neck like a snake. "Well now all we need is Ranboo. Anyone know where he is?"
"Oh he might be with Tubbo! He is his husband after all." Ghostbur said happily. Dream raised an eyebrow and turned to George. "I thought he was 16?" George shook his head. "Lore wise, he is about young 20's." "Ohh, got it." Dream turned back to Ghostbur.
"Ok have any Idea where Tubbo is?" Ghostbur nodded. "If he is awake he is probably with Tommy at the lookout near the prison."
"Great." Techno said, rolling his eye's. "Now we are going to have Tommy on our tails." Ghostbur cocked his head, confused. "Why can't Tommy and Tubbo know I am going to be revived?" Dream sighed. "Didn't they say you couldn't be revived?" Ghostbur hummed in reply. "Then they would think you are betraying them, which your not. Instead think if it like...a fun little secret."
"Oh! I have those all the time!" The Ghost said, his eyes doing that weird flash thing again. They stopped talking shorty after and went to the watch tower.
Tommy watched as a group of people wandered to his tower. "TUBBBOOOO, PREPARE THE WEAPONS!!!" Tubbo, only being a foot away, covered his eyes and nodded. "Aye aye Tommy." He saluted and grabbed a crossbow, loading it with arrows and pointing it at the group. 
Ranboo looked up from Micheal, his son as Tommy called his name. "Hm?" Tommy turned to him, handing him a iron sword. "Go fight these intruders at once!" Ranboo sighed and picked Micheal up, sticking a hip out and balancing his son on it. Grabbing the sword, he slowly climbed down the ladder and made his way towards the crowd.
"Umm- hi. What brings you guys here?" He asked, looking at the new guy. Dream smiled. "Hello I Dream, I am new here to SMP, I was hoping we could chat." Ranboo looked at Dream, holding Micheal a little closer to him. "Can I bring Micheal?"
"Just leave him with the group." Dream said, walking off. "TUBBBOO COME GET MICHEAL!" Ranboo yelled up to the tower. Tubbo came racing down and took their son from Ranboo, holding him away from the others threatening to crowd him. Micheal frowned, scared of all the new people here. One of them caught his eye. He said something, causing Techno to turn around. "Who said that?" Techno remained. His eyes fell of the little pigman, something sparking inside him. Tubbo sat there confused. All Micheal did was snort? Or at least he thought. Tubbo watched as Techno walked over to them, his cape floating above the ground.
"Eh? Who is this?" Techno asked, looking at Micheal. Micheal giggled a little and did grabby hands towards Techno. Tubbo set Micheal down and watched curiously as his son waddled over to Technoblade, trying to climb on him. Techno raised Micheal up, his eyes softening. 
"Hello." He said in piglan. Micheal smiled and snorted "Hello" back. "What are you two saying?" Tubbo asked, looking between the two. Techno smiled, a real smile. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

-------------Meanwhile with Ranboo and Dream------------------

Ranboo and Dream sat on the prime path, eyes trailed on the group hanging out. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Ranboo asked, turning to Dream and crossing his arms in his lap. Dream turned to him and said softly. "Sapnap wants me to give you a message." Ranboo sat there, shocked. "W-what was it?" Dream smiled. He was pushing the right buttons, just as Sapnap told him. He knew that Ranboo wasn't really going to help him, well, not if he does it on his own free will. "Here let me type it." He pulled up the chat and private message Ranboo.


Ranboo stood there, his breath rapidly increasing. "You caused the explosion correct?" Dream whispered in his ear. Ranboo turned away, trying to calm himself down. "H-how did you know?"
"I know everything Ranboo. I know that you are a traitor to your family. You are the reason Tommy died. And it's all because you helped Sapnap, Ranboo. It's all your fault..." Ranboo held his ears, trying to block out the sound. "No no. That wasn't me. I wouldn't do that." Dream laughed, tilting his head back. "Oh but you did! You blew up the community house, but Sapnap took the blame for you. You owe him."
"OK please stop." Ranboo pleaded. "I will do it, just tell me and leave me alone." Dream smiled. That seemed easy enough


Hello, sorry it took so long :)
Umm I am working on another book but you wont see it just yet. I am waiting until this one is done

Coming up:

Chapter 11- The start of a terribly made plan

The Portal that will remain unopened (a MCYT Opposite AU)Where stories live. Discover now