Chapter 13- All it takes is a Nightmare to overcome a Dream

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Nightmare stood at the edge of the portal. His sister walked behind him, growing even more tired. 
"Nightmare just open the damn portal already. I want to get there soon or else I might end up killing you." She snapped. Nightmare rolled his eyes. He was used to having that little brat as a sister. Of course, he still loved her and treated her like family, even if she tried to kill everyone and blown up everything they worked for.
"Not yet. We still have to wait for the team." He retorted. The Nightmare Team, he liked to call it. It consisted of a few people, only the few people he could fully trust and then maybe some. The first one came into view. Jonathan smiled and waved at them. "Hello Nightmare!" He said cheerfully. Nightmare smiled back at his Uncle. It didn't even feel like Jonathan was his Uncle. In fact, Jonathan probably acted more childish than Nightmare himself, but that wasn't the point. Jonathan walked to them, looking at the portal. "Yep. That's defiantly different than ours." He joked. Nightmare laughed and Nrista cleared her throat. Jonathan turned and you could see a glimmer of surprise for a second. "Oh Nrista! I didn't know you where there, sorry 'bout that."
She didn't say anything but watched as the next person arrived. A male with a dark gray hoodie walked up to them. His murky brown hair covered most of his face, leaving only his sliver eyes gleaning from behind the mop. 
"Carl, glad you could make it." Nightmare said, extending a hand. Carl wouldn't be his first choice, in fact he was his last. Carl looked at the hand, then at Nightmare's face, almost like he was staring into his soul. "Let's get this over with." He said, his tone emotionless and his voice quite as he sat down under a tree. 
"Why did you invite Mr. Depressed-all-the-time?" Nrista questioned. Nightmare shrugged. "Trust me, we need help. Carl is good at problem solving."
"But he fucking terrified of a damn clock!"
"Ok then, when you get a sudden army of people as cold as the tip of a iceberg, let me know and we can swap people." Nightmare said, walking away. Arguing could be heard in the distance, meaning that Tub and Tomathy arrived. Tomathy trotted behind his best friend as Tub stormed into the area, his face in a forever-staying frown. 
"Hello Tub, Tomathy." Nightmare greeted. Tub flipped him off and sat down. Tomathy walked up to Nightmare and whispered. "Sorry about that. He didn't want to come here at all. And when he learned that the meeting was going to take place this far out, he got a little. . .pissed, I should say."
Nightmare nodded and went to greet Honkity, who just flown in and was already chatting up a storm with Carl. Well, more like a one-sided conversation. Heres how it went:

Honkity: "Hey Carl."
Carl:  ". . ."
Honikty: "How are you?"
Carl: ". . ."
Honkity: "I see- well. I got news. I overheard from Jef that he had a crush on Good. Isn't that something?"
Carl: "You should really mind your own business. One day you will fly to close to the sun, and burn."
Honkity: "Okkayyyy. . ."

He chuckled. He honestly didn't understand why Honkity insisted on trying to talk with Carl. Carl is one of those elder like people. No fun, just stupid advice. "Seems like you two are having fun." Nightmare joked. Honkity rolled his eyes. "Yeah. If you want to count this fun then sure, be my guest." He shot back. 
"Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist. . ." Carl mumbled to himself staring at his bitten fingernails. Nightmare look at Honkity, twisting a finger around his head and making a 'co co' sound. Honkity stifled a laugh.
"Um Hello? Is this the place where the meeting is?" A new voice called out. Nightmare turned around and looked down, staring at Wise-ish. Wise-ish wore a white robe, like the ones you see in Rome, and to 'match' brown sandals. He looked up at Nightmare with his crimson eyes and smiled, ruffling his owl feathers that grew along his arms. "Hello Wise-ish. Glad you could come. Have you heard any word from Ret? He should be coming as well. " 
Wise-ish nodded. "He's coming this way as we speak. I heard him in the forest." Wise-ish reported and jumped up, landing his tiny body on Nightmare's shoulder. Nightmare nodded and watched as Ret walked into the opening.
"Ah, am I the last one? Sorry not sorry." Ret said, tilting his glasses to reveal pit black eyes and only red dots as a pupil. He wore a crisp black suit with a grey tie to match his grey pants and black shoes. He ran a hand through his tangled chocolate hair, giving a winning smile. 
"Yes sadly. Everyone else is either on Good's side or just not coming. Yet." He corrected himself. Ret nodded. Even though he was a pain in the ass, Ret can be trustful. Once he chooses a side, he sticks to it, even if it is the wrong side. Very loyal, but drags the team down with his terrible attitude. 
"So this is the team?" Ret said, glancing at the people. The 7 other, not including Nightmare, looked back at him. Tub whispered something into Honkity ear, pointing at Ret and making Honkity bust out in a fit of giggles. 
"God we have some work to do." Nightmare said, shaking his head. Nrista counted with her fingers, only holding up 9. "Why did you only get 9? Why not 10? That's such an even number." She complained. Nightmare didn't bother and turned to the rest of the group. "Okay. Before we go there, did everyone get armor and weapons?" They all nodded. "Great. If you need more, Nrista has a whole inventory full. Anyway, I wanted to go over the sides. So we all know that everyone here is on our side." He grabbed a book out and opened it, getting a quilt and writing in it. 

Nightmare's Team:


(The people on our side but are not coming with us. Yet.)

-General Spuffy--Tec-

"Okay. Now, who do we know for 100% that they are on Good's side?" Ret asked. "Well there was Redza of course, I saw his talking to Good about it." Nightmare pointed out.
"Good would take the strongest people, right? Since he wants to take over the opposite world, so that's means, he will take the best fighters, which explains why we have such a crappy team." Carl mumbled. Nightmare sighed and nodded. "So defiantly Geo. He's one of the best fighters."
"And Jared. That man is obsessed with TNT and fighting." Honkity said, shuddering like he knew from first experience. 
"Then Kini would be there too. Since wherever Jared goes, Kini follows. Like this little shit." Tub said, pointing to Tomathy. 
"And I overheard the plan when Good was talking to Napsap. So he must be on Good's side."

Good's side:


"That seems less than we thought." Nritsa said, scratching her head, a little confused. "Well everyone else is on neutral terms. Maybe some of his team is on that side. But we could never be sure." Tomathy noted. They all nodded as Nightmare finished up writing and put the book back and grabbing flint and steel.
He walked over and struck the two together, causing a spark to fly on the black obsidian and lighting it, creating the purple glow inside it. Nrista laughed sounding a little insane, and jumped in. 
"Welp, she's gone." Tub said, shrugging.
"Oh get a grip." Honkity joked, shoving Tub in.
"TUB!" Tomathy called after him, jumping in.
"Why can't we just go to a opposite world like normal people." Ret scoffed, walking in.
Wise-ish jumped off Nightmare's arm and into the portal. "Last one there has to pay for dinner!"
Honkity rushed in the portal after hearing this. 
Jonathan laughed. "Other side here we come!"
Carl was probably the most scared of going into the portal. Nightmare shot him a encouraging smile and Carl nodded, taking a small step into the portal and disappearing. Nightmare looked back and walked into the portal.

Not noticing that someone was watching them. . . 


Nrista joined the game

Tub joined the game

Tomathy joined the game

Ret joined the game

Wise-ish joined the game

Honkity joined the game

Jonathan joined the game

Carl joined the game

Nightmare joined the game


Nightmare landed in a face-full of dirt. He spit it out and got up, looking around. Everyone was already there and searching around.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's find Dream and save the Dream SMP!"


Hello everyone I am back from a long writers block! That you so much for 900 views I love you all/p and hope you have a amazing day

And remember from your favorite Blooperfish. . .

B L O O P :)

Coming up: 

Chapter 14- The announcement 

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