Chapter 25: Now You're Mine

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[Shane's POV]

It's the day we present our songs to the class. I'm extremely nervous! What if Joey doesn't like it? He'll hate me forever if he thinks is sucks...

[??'s POV]

I have a plan to make Joey Graceffa mine... Once and for all.

[Joey's POV]

Song presentation day! But I'm nervous for the outcome. What if Shane doesn't like it? Reason being, we have to say our inspiration as to why we wrote the song we wrote. Here goes nothing.

Shane and I walked into class together, like always. It was time.

Mrs. McLean: Ok! Time to present your songs! Ummmm, Joey! You can go first!

Shit. Well, here goes nothing..


Surprisingly, everyone loved it!

Mrs. McLean: Excellent job Joey! Now, what was your inspiration for this song?

Joey: The light of my life, Shane.

A chorus of "awww"'s filled the room. I looked at Shane, he looked like he was about to cry. He came up and hugged me so tightly.

Mrs. McLean: Ok! Next.. Connor.

[??'s POV]

It's almost Shane's turn to present his song. I can't wait to see this, what he doesn't know is I sabotaged his song, you'll see.

[Shane's POV]

It's time to present my song. I really hope that everything goes well. Here's where it doesn't.... near the end of my song, it said "I'm only using my boyfriend. I don't even like him as a friend. I'm actually straight, if that's up to date." What the fuck?!

All I could do was not look at Joey. Then I looked out of the window in the classroom, in the hall stood... Cat.

Shane: Excuse me, may I use the bathroom?

Mrs. McLean: Sure.

I ran out. I could tell Joey was crushed. I sprinted towards Cat.

Shane: What did you do to my song?!

Cat: What do you mean?

Shane: What do I mean?! Are you serious?! I know you sabotaged my song just so you can have Joey!

Cat: So what if I did?

Shane: He doesn't like you!

Cat: That's what you think...

She walked away. All I could was sit in class and just listen to the sniffles of the broken Joey next to me.

*end of class*

[Joey's POV]

Why is Shane using me??! After all we went through!! Why did I even fall for him in the first place?

Shane: Joey wait!!

I ignored him and kept walking.

Shane: Joey please!

Joey: Please what?! You've been dragging me along all this time?!

Shane: No Joey! I...

Joey: Forget it! I think it's time we take a break.

Shane: What?!

Joey: I can't anymore Shane! Just leave me alone!!

I ran away until I ran into Cat.

Cat: Joey? What's wrong?

I hugged her really hard. I guess I need a friend right now.

Cat: Shhhh Joey. It's ok.

Joey: Shane used me..

Cat: That bitch!

Joey: I don't know why I even liked him...

Cat: Hey, I'm here for you.

Joey: Thanks Cat.

We looked at each other, I felt something, something I haven't felt with a girl in a long time. We starred at each other for a minute. We got closer. Our noses touched, then we started kissing. This felt right.. I'm straight again.

Cat: Joey?

Joey: Cat, now you're mine.

Cat: I think I like that.


I know I know.. You probably hate me, BUT THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR!! ❤❤

Social info:

Instagram: @saraplatek

Twitter: @sara_platek

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Love you all my beauties!

Good damn bye!! ❤

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