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Rain's POV:

Your eyes fluttered open and finally adjusted to your surroundings. Your view was blurry at first, but as it got better, you suddenly realized where you were.

The metal doors and concrete walls means that you finally made it. You're finally safe. Finally at the prison.

Weeks of traveling through horrible conditions, fighting through walkers, and practically dying in the process has finally paid off.

There is still good in this world. You smile.

Coughing, you roll onto your back as the bed squeaks beneath your aching body.

Footsteps near your cell and and the outline of a figure appears through the bars. You hear a creak as they open the door, standing in the opening, looking into the room.

They slowly step in, and their features become more defined, he's the young boy you saw upon your arrival, "um, good morning." His voice cracks and you sit up on the bed to greet him, but are held back.

Your right hand is cuffed to the steel bed post and your shoulder is sore, as your arm has been up all night.

You groan, "Hi. So, what's with the cuffs?"

He sits on the stool across from the bed, "sorry, we though you could've been dead." You grin, he sure was a great conversationalist.

"Well sorry to disappoint-"

Quickly he says, "No, no! I didn't-" you laugh as he sighs and stares at his feet, "I-I am, well, uhh, my name's Carl. Fifteen."

You can't help but smile at Carl's awkwardness, and lean over, one hand still strapped to the bed, and shake his hand, "The name's Rain, fourteen."

He stands and heads towards the exit, "well I'll go tell them that you're up, Miss Rain." Yet at the doorway, he turns back, "You were alone when you came in right?" You nod, uncertain of where the conversation is heading. Carl continues, "Well where were you before this, who was you with?"

Now it was your turn to look down, "I don't really want to talk about it.... sorry."

"I'm sorry, I-I'll go get them," and once again Carl begins to leave, but stops once more and without turning around says, "I grew up in this world too, you can trust me."

You hold your head in your hands as Carl leaves and remember why it felt so good to be alone. Your feelings couldn't be described, for the excitement of conversation and the digging up of your past troubles creates a terrible clash of emotion.

Feeling tears starting to bead up, you quickly wipe them away and lie back down. This moment of peace and relaxation is suddenly interrupted once the bow-man and his friend come in, Carl following the two.

"I'm Rick, Carl's dad. I know you already met him. This is Daryl, he got you in the gates," You send Daryl a thankful smile, and he returns with a nod of the head,"We already have your weapons so don't try anything stupid. I will not hesitate to protect my family here from you," Rick unlocks your cuffs and you stretch your arm, relieving the pain.

"Sweet welcome," Daryl huffs and pivots away as a response to your sarcasm. Following Daryl's quick exit, they march out, but not before Carl tips his cowboy hat in your direction.


The second day of your new life at the prison was pretty uneventful. For the majority of your time was either spent with Carl, keeping watch in one of the towers and killing walkers at the fence, or skinning some freshly hunted squirrels with Daryl.

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