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Rain's POV:

You fell asleep alone on a couch in the library last night, for when everyone was eating, you went to read and lost track of time.

The book you've been enjoying was, Sleepy Hollow, and so far it was great, a little confusing but overall an interesting story. Wanting to continue it, you reach around trying to find the story but with no luck.

Confused, because you feel asleep mid chapter, you notice something else, a blanket. Around your shoulders, draping down to your legs was a purple quilt, one that you didn't have the previous night.

"Carl I know you're in-" you look around, expecting to see him, but with him no where in sight, "here...hello?" Somebody else had to be in the library with you, but after looking in every single nook and cranny, find that nobody is here. Then you see it, Sleepy Hollow, back on the correct shelf, where you discovered it the night before.

Taking it off of the shelf, your breathing gets increasingly heavier as the panic sets in. Nervous, you fly out the door leaving to warn Rick and the others.

Yet in front of you in the courtyard is a much worse situation, everyone is running around, weapons in hand. Carl runs by, but noticing you, throws a rifle in your hands, "There you are! the governor, he has Hershel and Michone."


"Just follow me," he grabs your hand, dragging you to the fence with Daryl, "get down and be ready to shoot." Carl squeezes your hand one last time before readying his weapon. You quickly throw the book in your messenger bag, and watch as Rick approaches the governor.

Your heart races, for the anticipation is too much, "oh God." Carl looks into your eyes, his also lined with the same fear and anxiety.

From up here, you could only make out bits and pieces of Rick's speech, "living together-peace-no blood," seems like he was begging more than reaching a compromise.

Carl speaks, "I could shoot him, finish all this."

Daryl looks at him, "From 50 years? I don't think so."

"I'm a good shot, I can finish it right now," what the hell was he thinking?

Daryl responds, "Or you could start something else." He says this with a firm tone, practically stealing the words from your own mouth. Finally Carl accepts defeat and we return to our battle positions.

After more debating, the Governor brings Hershel out of a nearby car, you smile, but quickly realize this isn't going to be a happy reunion. He throws Hershel to the ground, taking out what looked like Michone's katana.

As he brings the shining blade to Hershel's neck, you begin to cry, Carl doing so as well. From here I could sense a change in Rick, he shuffles around, readjusting his stance, deciding what to do. Finally he does what he does best, bargains.

Rick gives another muffled speech about coexisting in the prison, and for a second the Governor looks as though he would accept it.

But he only says a single word, one in which rings through the area, engraving itself into your head, "liar."

Then with no delay, he swings the sword back, cutting through Hershel's neck, his body falling lifelessly to the ground. In unison, you and Rick scream, "nooooo!"

He shoots the Governor in his arm, and following him, all with a weapon begin to shoot aimlessly towards the Governor's terrible soldiers.

The tears in your eyes made it hard to see, but you knew that Beth and Maggie, down the fence, were both sobbing, obviously in shock. It was terrible, the tank rammed into the fences, which once protected us, and started firing at the prison. More of the enemies approached the building, coming through the field.

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