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• Rain's POV:

Being back on the road, although a familiar feeling, was not in any way comforting. Deja vou was a constant theme in this new life of survival, and it feels as though you were in an alternate dimension, or some sort of time parallel, where the prison was nonexistant. For one second you were back at the creek with an injured leg, and the other you just happened to had found and grown attached to three fellow survivors. It seemed almost like some sort of nightmarish time loop like in those horror movies you loved to watch as a child.

On the outside, you could pass off as stable, for Rick and Carl seemed to buy the disguise fueled by your occasional badass moment and kiss on the cheek, but Michonne saw right through the fog. You were suffering. Carl told me how they came upon Michonne, that she was alone, surviving with their friend Andrea, she knew what you were experiencing, for she probably was too.

Suddenly you became aware of somebody calling your name, and snapped out of the daze in which you repeatedly found yourself in. "Rain, Rain..." it was Michonne, and as you caught her eye, she continued, "Look, you and I are gonna go on a little run, Carl and Rick are gonna look for houses to stay in, alright?"

Unable to speak, you only nod, noticing Carl waving goodbye as he and Rick were already down the street, you wave back. Michonne also walked off, for you jog behind, catching up to her at a nearby pharmacy, "stay out here for a sec, I'll be right out." She heads in, katana raised in defense, ready to take out any undead that may roam the aisles.

Weapon also ready, you gaurd the entrance, yet are quickly called back into the store by Michonne's whistle, all clear. She hands you one of her many looting bags, "Here, get what we need, I need to talk to you." Not surprised by Michonne's willingness to speak, especially to you, you take the bag without a word, and search the first aisle.

A lot of the supplies were already taken, but you did discover a few painkillers and allergy medications, hey you never know. The next row was even less useful, for the expired candy couald probably kill you itself, so you move on, coming up with nothing again for the next two aisles.

Once in aisle 5, Michonne speaks up from behind the shelves, "I know how you feel, being on the road and stuff, reminds you of worse days, huh?"

"Tell me about it," stuffing some gause and neosporin into the sac, you are thankful for Michonne's understanding.

"You're probably the toughest kid I know, Rain, and I just want you to know that things are different now than they were before the prison. You're with family now, we will protect eachother no matter what, you aren't alone." Finishing up in your aisle, you meet her at checkout in the front of the store.

Handing her the bag, you respond, "Thank you Michonne, it means a lot to know someone who's gone through the same type of stuff."

Walking out the door, she smiles at you, "No problem kid, now let's go find that little boyfriend of your's." You chuckle, hitting her arm, as you head back to the intersection from where you came, for you and Michonne have to wait only around five minutes before Carl comes running down the street.

You meet him halfway, the sun already setting, it seems to be getting earlier and earlier every night, "We found a train station or something near these tracks. There's a bunch of signs about some sort of sanctuary."

"Really?!" You can hardly contain your excitment, and even Michonne shows off a slight grin, it feels amazing knowing that we can have a stable life again. Carl must sense your enthusiasm, because he immediately leads you to the house, which a pretty short walk from town.

Michonne automatically goes into the cabin with Rick, but Carl insists on showing you the tracks, so he leads you, your hand in his, to the first set of tracks, hidden behind the trees engulfing the house. It's a beautiful location, and you can't help but take in your surroundings as you and Carl run through the brush.

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