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Carl's POV:

I set down my bag, ignoring Rain's questions, I wasn't here to argue with her, it was Rick I had to talk to.

Looking down at him lying on the couch, she saw the rage in my eyes, for I didn't make any effort to hide it, "Carl, don't do something that you'll regret, please -"

"I killed them. I saved you. I saved you," Rain was speechless as I Rambled on, "I didn't forget when you had us playing farmer. I still know how to survive. Lucky for us. I don't need you anymore, I don't need you to protect me anymore. I can take care of myself. You couldn't protect me anyways. You couldn't protect Judith."

Rain grabs my shoulder, turning me towards her and teeth barred, yells at me in disgust, "Carl, stop." Tears begin to pool in her eyes, much like mine.

Then still looking straight at her, I resume, "You couldn't protect...Hershel. Or Glenn or Maggie," My words speed on, now once again facing my father, naming all of the others that he may as well killed himself, "...or Mom. You just wanted to hide. He knew where we were and you didn't care! You just hid behind those fences and, they're all gone because of you!"

"I told you to sto-" *smack*

It went black for two seconds, speeding right to Rain holding her hands against her throbbing red face, my fists quivering as what I'd just done sinks in.

She looks at me, her eyes now spilling tears, and wide, as though she were caught in a pair of headlights. What had I done?

Time seemed to had gone in slow motion then, I had a sudden epiphany moment that came one minute too late. And now, as Rain ran tumbled up the stairs, I following not so far behind, I screamed after her, "Rain, I-I-"

"Get the hell away from me!"

I begged back, "Please Rain!"

Finally Rain stops at the top of the stairs, not even turning to look at me as she responds, "Don't touch me again you... monster."

She then darts into her room, slamming the door in my face, "Rain, please! I'm sorry!"

Between my banging on the door, Rain's sobs ringing through the air, and my father's absent voice, the home was filled with a symphony of sorrow.

Rain's POV:

You should have gone when given the chance.

The slap didn't hurt obviously, and you've had your share of abuse from Mad, but coming from Carl, the pain was indescribable. He may has well slapped your heart, for it now was in a million pieces, the final part now chipping away.

You didn't have to be a genius to know that things weren't getting any better between you and Carl, or that Rick was slowly dying in this house. There was nothing left for you. For anybody.

After looking out the window and analyzing the jump you were debating to take, you conclude it would probably lead to an unfortunate end. And in a world where the dead roamed the streets, dying by your own hands would not be an option.

Pacing back and forth, you wonder if you could just stroll downstairs casually and walk out the door. Yeah, nice and simple. You think about this, starting to pack your little belongings but quickly realize that Carl would never let you go out alone.

You knew he was sorry, that he didn't mean it. The immediate look of shock and disappointment he had following the incident gave it away. And as easy as it was to see that, it was a lot harder to forgive him for it.

So as the moon, now ruling the sky, illuminates the room, you lie on the bed, realizing what you have to do.

Carl's POV:

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