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Carl's POV:

"Where the hell is she?!" The group finally got back and Daryl just found out about Rain. You know how Beth and Maggie were like her sisters? Well Daryl was pretty much her new father.

I rock Judith in my arms, insanely enthusiastic about the return of my family, and the supples they brought back. I just got back from visiting Rain, and just the thought of her out of that bed for practically the first time in 3 days easily put a smile on my face.

Handing Judith to Beth, I follow Michone, Daryl, and Dad to death row.

Hershel was already sitting with Glenn and Rain, ready to help. Michone dumped the bag in front of him as Daryl went to Rain, "she's one hell of a strong girl, huh?"

Immediately she and Glenn are hooked up to some fancy tubes and are given a bunch of medication. Watching her swallow the pills relieved stress I didn't know that I even had.

He moved on the the other patients, little that there were left, and treated them as well. And as though he forgot to tell us, Hershel yells from the next cell down, "This medicine is fantastic, they should all be waking up in around ten minutes, y'all should go back to the prison, I'll bring them back once they're ready."

I place the bag of Rain's clothes next to her cot and leave, sending her one last glance.

Rain's POV:

You woke up feeling like you'd hadn't had the sickness at all, it's almost as though you were reborn.

What woke you up out of this dream like state, was the stench of your clothing, for the blood stained your entire top and lined your gums. Noticing the small bag, you find some water, a toothbrush and paste, and fresh clothes.

Getting dressed and ready was a bit of a slow process, as there was some occasional pain. Yet, after going into a separate cell and cleaning up, you leave quarantine for the first time in 3 days.

The afternoon sun is blinding, but the breath of fresh air is a gift from the heavens. You sigh of relief, closing your eyes, letting the sun's rays kiss your face.

Lizzie suddenly trots out from behind you, giving you a tight hug, "we're finally okay!" Her high-pitched and cheery voice makes you smile as you return the hug. She runs ahead, being the first to get back to the cells.

Almost running yourself, you also make your way to the cell block, being suddenly picked up like a sac of potatoes, and thrown over Glenn's shoulder, "to never land!" You laugh as he points to the door and skips all the way there.

Letting you down, you both walk in and rush to the eating area, to find almost everyone there already waiting.

Maggie attacks Glenn with a kiss the second that you walk in, but the others notice your presence shortly afterwards as well. Daryl picks you up by your waist and swings you around, "damn you lost some weight in there kid," he smiles and Rick pulls you in for a hug.

You reunite with Beth, and then make your rounds to everyone else, thanking the group and looking around for one person in particular who seemed to be absent.

"Hey Rick, where's -"

"Carl? He's in his cell," Rick motions towards the cells.

"Thank you!" You yell this already halfway across the building, running into Carl's cell.

He was just leaving when you came in, so you enter almost knocking him down, him trapping you in his arms.

"Rain, oh my god," Carl swayed you back and forth, "I've missed you so much, I was so scared Rain, I didn't know what to...I just, I thought you were dying and-" His words begin to slur together and his beautiful eyes start to pool up.

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