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• Rain's POV:

You don't know how to feel about Carl, all you knew is how amazing he seemed to be. I mean, although he was the the first boy you've seen in a while, and that could explain some of your actions towards him, Carl was still incredibly sweet and pretty damn attractive. Even thinking about the subject - well you just couldn't, for every time you even think about the little kiss and show of affection, you immediately blush of happiness.

And it astonishes you, the difference days could make on a person. With a person.

One day you were cold, accepted isolation, yet these acts of kindness Carl and the others have shown already, it really felt... good.

You stretch, a result of a fantastic night's sleep, haven't had a bed this comfortable in months. And steadily the wonderful memories of the past days flow back while looking around your cell.

The curtain, hung over your doorway, swung as someone walks down the hall, making a clanging noise, bouncing off the bars behind it. And deciding to mirror them, you stand, wanting to start the day early and on a productive note.

Slipping on a white, flowy tank top and fitting black pants, you get ready and head out the door, careful not to create much noise.

You walk down the steps, into the seating area to find Michone, the swordsman, having a quick breakfast.

"Morning," she looks up, noticing your presence.

"Hi," you sit down on the opposite side of her circular table.

"Getting an early start, huh?"

"Yeah, just want to help out as much as I can."

She pauses, looking as to be debating an idea, "I was getting ready to head out on a run, you in? I saw that your cell looked a bit empty, we could pick up some stuff in a nearby town."

"I'd love to, but is Rick gonna allow it?"

"Eh, I don't know, Rick might need you to help with the pigs today," the leader finally speaks up as he stands, behind us in the opening.

Michone laughs, "sorry kid," she pats my back and walks back into the kitchen with her dirty dish.

Rick comes over, handing you an empty bucket, "There's ground corn in the pantry, aisle eight. I'll be outside , just fill up the bucket three fourths done."

You nod, scurrying to the pantry. The brace on your injured leg and treatment from Hershel has helped tremendously, but it still results in occasional pain.

The pantry, all though not entirely full anymore, stores more food than you've seen in a long time.

Reading the overhead signs, you locate aisle eight, head down it, and find the ground corn on one of the higher shelves. Standing on the very tips of your toes, and reaching your arm as far as possible, you still cannot reach the required sac.

"Ugh dammit," you breath heavily, looking around for a solution.

Footsteps ring from across the room, "need help?" Carl.

He stands at the end of this line of shelves, and begins to walk forward. You grin as he approaches and he smiles back, stopping a few feet in front of you.

Carl's POV:

She miles as I approached, damn I love that smile. She breaks the silence, "why yes, I do." And being slightly taller than her, I can reach the bag's edge, pulling it down.

"Well here you go," she takes it, thanking me, and fills the bucket.

My dad waves at us from the field as we exit the building. I exchange his greeting and we continue to make our way to the gardens.

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