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Carl's POV:

Daryl and Rain came out last, after dad had told me what happened. That it was Patrick who started it and many were already sick or dead.

They came out sweaty and heaving, carrying Lizzie and Mika's dead father in their shaking arms. And in this moment I realized how strong she really was, physically and emotionally.

The second they placed him down, I ran over, trapping Rain in a tight embrace, "Please don't go out trying to get yourself killed anymore, alright?"

She shrugs, "no promises." You grin, hugging her again. Rain held onto you and you to her as if frightened to let go.


"Alright, everyone into their cells," Dad yells throughout the cell blocks as Rain brings her bags into my cell. Trying to stay as far away from the infected as possible, if approved of, people were required to double up the cells.

Carol had three roommates, Lizzie, Mika, and Judith, whereas I only had Rain, which was not a complaint.

She had the top bunk and I stayed on the bottom, it felt comforting having her here. I never thought anything wrong or weird about it until I noticed Dad eyeing me through the door's bars.

Once I've finally made eye contact with him, dad motions me outside. Everyone was already in their cells but he spill spoke in a whisper, "You and Rain situated?"

"Yeah, she's just moving her stuff in-"

"Carl, I'm gonna get straight to the point, you know how mom died-"

"Dad, what are you-?"

I begin to walk off, but Dad holds me back, "Carl! Let me speak." You turn back, "I know you and Rain have feelings for each other, but you need to remember what situation we are in. We-we just can't afford another mistake."

"Dad, it's fine, don't worry-"

"I'm your dad, it's my job to worry. I need to know that you understand what I'm saying."

I breath in, remembering mom and face my cell, "I know what you're saying dad, don't worry."

He walks off, leaving us to go our separate ways. I enter my cell to find Rain already in her bunk, "you awake?"

It was dark but the steadiness of her breathing and non responsive attitude furthered the idea that Rain's already fallen asleep. Standing on the tips of my toes, I become level with her mattress, and pulling her hair away, plant a kiss on her forehead. I leave my lips on her soft skin for a couple more seconds, savoring every second.

Rain's POV:

You woke up in Carl's cell, face only a foot away from the ceiling, it was dark, but you could tell that it was in the early morning. After stretching and registering your surroundings, you hear a muffled sound coming from Carl's bed below.

Crying? It was light, but you could make it out perfectly.

Debating wether to go and comfort him or not, you breath in deeply, contemplating the idea. At school you never really had friends, so caring for someone other than immediate family was never a talent or skill of your's.

But finally, you decide to climb down the bed, sitting at the head of Carl's mattress.

His head was facing towards the wall, and as he noticed you here, Carl started to wipe the tears from his eyes. You twist around, looking at him, and rub his shoulders in a relaxing tone.

Carl sits up, propping himself up with his elbows, looking only ahead, "I was thinking about my mom." You turn around, sitting, legs crossed next to him.

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