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[ A/N : This is going to be a shortish chapter, I didn't want to linger too much on the Terminus storyline bc it's spelled out, obviously, really well in the show. Also... *giggles* So...Rain and Carl have been together for a while, anyone ready for some frickle frackle? ;) ]

Carl's POV:

On my left, my arm draped around her shoulders, her head resting against my chest, sat Rain. And Judith, alive and well sat on Rain's lap, asleep in her arms.

Seeing Judith again was an indescribable feeling, one that could, not in a million years, ever be explained correctly. There was a clash of joy, hope, regret, self-punishment, for the fact that I gave up so quickly on my little sister filled my stomach with regret.

Yet I took Dad's -surprisingly- good advice, and simply tried to be happy that Judith was alive and with us, so that's what I did. And as I sat there on the bench, both Rain and Judith's eyes fluttering into a tired state, it wasn't that hard to be hopeful.

Tapping Rain's ribs, I can't help but laugh at her immediately bolting up, Judith waking up also out of a newly-found sleep. Rain's eyes looked into mine and she smiled, "We have some new group members, I think it's time for you to meet them."

"Really? Yeah, definitely! Just wait a sec, I'll just give Jud to Rick and be right back," After quickly returning from passing on my sister to Dad, Rain and I walk over to the old, abandoned fire pit, at which Abe's group had decided to settle down as everyone rested.

Tara crouched at the pit, with Eugune sitting legs crossed beside her, and Rosita and Abraham having a conversation stood ahead of the two, positioned between us and the pit.

Rosita was the first to notice us walking over and quickly flashed a small grin, "Hi Carl, who's this?"

Rain spoke before I could even comprehend the question, "I'm Rain, you?"

"Cool to meet you, the name's Rosita, this is Abe, and over here," she pointed to the two in front of her, their backs facing us, "Are Eugune and Tara."

Rain's POV:

"...and Tara."

Despite every logical bone in your body, you drop Carl's hand which previously wrapped around your's, and started to walk forward at a a brisk pace.

"Ta-Tara?" Rosita looked confused as you approached her and Abraham.

Don't be so fucking stupid, there's no chance, no goddamn chance-

"Hey, did someone say my name?" The woman crouching by the charred wood stood and turned around, still oblivious to your presence.

Then something unimaginable happened, the young adult looked up, pushed the hair out of her eyes and met your's. There she is.

There's Aunt Tar.

Tears fall down your face as she stares at you, first confused, then bewildered, also at a loss for words.

Tara's POV:

If I hadn't heard Carl mention the name, Rain, the previous night, then I never would have put it together. She had grown so much from when I last saw her as a little eight year old with her dad, my skittish brother, and her bitchy sister.

Sure, aunts weren't supposed to have favorites but who the hell cares.

Dropping my gun, I stumbled over my own feet as she met me halfway, my arms trapping her in the tightest hug I've ever given, right between Rosita and Abe, and a young sherif.

As I hold my precious niece in my arms, who has sprouted upwards in the past few years, I'm the happiest that I'd been in a while. "Raaaaain, how did this happen, I-I..." Half speaking, half squeaking, I hold back sobs and allow her to cry tears of joy into my shoulder.

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