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Rain's POV:

"Me, Rain, and Carl will ready this area of the fence. Michonne, Daryl, clear the perimeter across from here. We'll meet in the back," Rick just came back from the woods, now directing you all where to go.

As you separate, Carl and you walking behind Rick, you are thankful for the night's rest and hearty breakfast, for although not yet a hundred percent, most of your strength has returned. Carl hummed as you strolled along, pistol in each of your hands, and as you circled around, your hope for Terminus increased.

"Maybe this'll be the right place," you break the silence, "To settle down, start a new life."

Carl smiles, keeping his bright eyes locked on the fence, "Maybe. You never can know for sure I guess." He then began to hum again, the soft tune bringing a smile to your face.

"What's the song?"

"Drops of Jupiter, Train. My mom...she always used to sing it to me when I was little. Always been my favorite...It's hard to believe that no songs will be created again in our lifetime, no new artists, no new nothing."

"Maybe. You never can know for sure, I guess," Carl nudges your shoulder as a response to your use of his words, "But yeah, it's a great song, always used to listen to stuff like that."

Nearing the meet up point, you take out a walker, but no other threats have surfaced. Rick speaks as soon as Daryl and Michonne come into view, "Alright, let's head in, everyone ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Daryl readies his crossbow, hinting for everyone to defend themselves as well. He goes over the fence first, him and Rick then helping Michonne, Carl, and you up and over, Rick following swiftly after.

Carl stays close, both of your guns raised as everyone enters the nearest building. Barging through the doors, you slow down and form a line once you realize there isn't much harm. For it seems to be an office warehouse, filled with frightened men and women at desks.

One approaches seemingly out of nowhere, "Whoah, whoah!" Although still on edge, you slightly lower your gun, "Welcome to Terminus, I'm sorry, but we aren't used to people coming through the back." He paces, looking over us, "What are your names and I'd appreciate it if you'd lower your weapons-"

"Rick...We don't know you," Rick speaks up, "I'm not leaving my weapons."

The man snaps back, "This is my sanctuary, and I am asking you to put down your weapons please...or I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You lower your pistol, everyone else doing so also, "Good, good, the name's Gareth, thank you for your cooperation."

Daryl scowls and we are all hesitant as some of Gareth's workers collect the weapons. He beckons you to the other side of the building, to an exit, "We'll just go through here and get you something nice to eat."

Carl and you exchange a glance of slight concern when he wraps his fingers around your's. And once everyone's walked out in front of you, you plant a kiss on his cheek, causing his face to redden, and then lean your head on his shoulder.

The courtyard was filled with the smell of barbecue and bustling with people. Some noticed your presence, but most just continued with their tasks, whether it be eating or serving food, no one seemed too affected by our entrance.

You squeeze Carl's hand, if it where of nervousness or happiness, you didn't know, but he squeezed back when a woman approached bearing a great smile. She patted Gareth's shoulder, and he left, giving us all to herself, "Welcome everyone, welcome to Terminus. Here, we'll get you some food and then get you situated with housing."

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