Uncle Eddie to the Rescue

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One thing that they never prepare you for in parenthood is the fact that those little fuckers are sometimes silent. Eddie can't count how many times Christopher has just appeared behind him in the kitchen, innocently staring up at his dad as Eddie nearly jumped out of skin. Now with two kids and a fiancee around, he had enough mini heart attacks. He knew why Mariana walked around quietly thanks to shitty foster parents and her uncle. Sometimes she padded around sounding like a herd of elephants and he honestly preferred it.

He was struggling to fall asleep like most nights when Mari was working at the hospital. Her shift didn't end until three in the morning and so he found himself on his side of the bed, staring at the empty cold space beside him. Shutting his eyes, Eddie tried to count the stupid little sheep but nothing was working. He would really like to be pressed up against the warm body of his fiancee right now or at least know that she wasn't doing something stupid like taking on a two hundred pound combative patient.

That had been a fun phone call to receive.

The door to the bedroom creaked open and Eddie rolled over, leaning up to turn on his bedside lamp to find Diego staring at him with wide, scared eyes. Christopher was gone at summer camp so he figured it was Diego or, his protective streak reminded him, an intruder.

"I...I had a nightmare," Diego stammered out. "About Aunt Mari. I didn't know if she was home."

"No, not yet, but she'll be home in a few hours," Eddie said. "What was your nightmare about?"

Diego sniffled and shrugged, studying the carpet beneath his feet. "That the train fell on her."

Eddie nodded as he slid out of bed - grateful that he decided to wear pajama pants and a shirt tonight rather than his usual boxers - and grabbed his phone. "Want some hot chocolate?"

Diego trailed after him towards the kitchen, his footsteps quiet and unsure. The littlest Ramirez had moved in a month ago and was still a bit wary about the Diaz-Ramirez household. He constantly looked scared and practically glued himself to Mariana's side when she was home, shyly talking to Eddie only when he was addressed.

"Are we...allowed?" Diego asked hesitantly as Eddie pulled out the milk.

"Your aunt would never ban late night hot chocolate. She might wear the pants in this relationship, but she can't resist the power of the puppy dog eyes. Use it wisely."

Diego grinned up at him and Eddie ruffled his hair like he would Christopher. Hot chocolate was something that Eddie couldn't possibly fuck up, regardless of his lack of cooking skills. As the milk warmed in the pot on the stove, he turned to face the dark haired boy standing next to the island.

"Sometimes I have nightmares," he explained. Diego blinked up at him in surprise and Eddie shrugged. "I have nightmares about Aunt Mari a lot. And it's scary when I wake up and she's not there."

"But...you're an adult."

"Yeah, I am. Adults can have nightmares too. Even Mari has them. We have nightmares because we're scared. And we're scared because we love her and we don't want to lose her. I can promise you one thing. When your aunt and I are working together and out in the field, I will do everything in my power to protect her and make sure she comes home."

"Pinky promise?" Diego asked quietly, holding up his finger. Eddie wrapped his pinky around Diego's and then ruffled his hair once more.

"Now, let's drink hot chocolate and we can read for a bit. Your aunt swears its the best way to get tired and she's right."

Mariana sighed as she entered the house, her shoulders and legs aching from being on the move for twelve straight hours. At least at the firehouse, she can sit down and nap in between calls. She hung her purse up after locking the door and dropped her nursing bag off in the laundry room before heading for the bedroom.

Quietly, she slipped into the room and looked to the bed where she found Eddie passed out with a Magic Treehouse book tented on his chest and soft snores escaping his mouth. Diego was curled up against his side, fast asleep. Mariana lifted the book off of his chest and set it on the nightstand, ensuring that they were still fast asleep.

The latina quickly grabbed some clothes and took a five minute shower before sliding into bed next to her nephew. Diego's eyes cracked open at the shift in the bed and he stretched up, hugging his aunt around the neck.

"Hi buddy. What's up?" she asked, hugging him gently.

"I had a nightmare," he admitted. "I missed you."

"Oh, I'm sorry bud. Are you okay?"

"Uncle Eddie helped me. He told me it's okay to be scared but I know that you and Uncle Eddie will always protect me."

"Of course, honey," she assured him, hugging him once more. It was the first time Diego had ever called Eddie his uncle and she wouldn't lie, her eyes were a little misty at the words.

"Love you, Titi."

"Love you too, bud."

Mariana looked over at her fiance and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he slept soundly. She would thank him properly tomorrow.

A/N: so basically I have class all day Tu/Th and in between lectures, I write. BUT I can't write full chapters bc I can't pull up Hulu to crosscheck episodes so y'all get these little bad boys.

Also I love you. Drink some water. Get some rest.

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