Uncle Eddie to the Rescue vol. 2

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Eddie kicked his shoes off and into his designated cubby as he hung his keys on the rack. Their house was normally noisy but today it seemed louder than usual.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked Christopher who was seated at the kitchen table and doing homework. He pressed a kiss to his son's head and then to Hope's cheek as she colored next to her big brother.

"Mama and Diego are fighting," he replied.

Eddie sighed and headed towards the kitchen. There had been some growing pains once the boys hit high school. Christopher was thriving in his school, but Diego was having some rough patches and that resulted in arguments with his aunt.

He entered the kitchen to find Mariana trying to handle the screaming baby strapped to her chest, the boiling pot on the stove, and the sixteen year old arguing with her. His usually unflappable wife looked positively overwhelmed. Eddie reached over and lowered the temperature of the stove to reduce it to a simmer before easing Jess out of the baby carrier and bouncing his daughter in his arms. Mariana shot him a grateful look before turning her full attention on her nephew.

"You are not going to a party and that's final. Especially not at Liam's house and definitely not when I got a call from your teacher today about your failing grades," she declared.

"What do you mean not at Liam's house?" Diego snapped.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Do you realize that living in a first responder family means we know more than you think we know? Your grandma is a cop, Diego. I have ties to certain people who tell me things. Liam's friends are big players in a gang and frankly, I no longer want you hanging out with him."

"You're being unfair!"

"For what? Wanting to protect you? Ay Dios mios, I thought I was done worrying about this after Luis," she muttered.

"You can't tell me what to do, you're not even my real parent! I hate you!"

"Hey, woah," Eddie said in an attempt to stop the oncoming train wreck that was the two Ramirez's.

"You don't mean that," Mariana said sharply. Six years of marriage made it easy for him to decipher the pain hidden in her voice.

"I do. I hate you! I wish I didn't live here. I bet my parents would let me go."

"Diego, go to your room. Now." Eddie's voice cut through the fight easily. It was a skill he mastered in the first few years of living with them. Someone had to separate them or they would fight until someone broke.


"Now. And give me your phone before you go."

Diego relented the device with a heavy sigh and stormed upstairs. Eddie then turned his attention to his wife who had her head buried in her hands. Eddie pulled her into his side and stroked her back as she wiped a few stray tears from her eyes, attempting to hold it in.

"Mama," Jess cooed. Mariana let out a sob at the wide eyed, innocent expression of her youngest daughter and Eddie grimaced.

"Hey, go lay down for a bit sweetheart. I can finish dinner and get Jess, Hope, and Chris set up. I'll talk to Diego and bring him some dinner. You just need a break."

She nodded without protest so Eddie knew for sure that she was really hurting at Diego's comment.


Eddie knocked on Diego's door and waited. The teen softly called for him to come in and he opened the door, setting the bowl of chili on his dresser. The teen was sitting on his bed, staring at the photo in his hand.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," Eddie pointed out.

"I know. Is Aunt Mari mad?"

"She's hurt. She loved your mom and dad very, very much." Eddie joined him on the bed, looking at the photo Diego held. It was a photo Mariana had given him when he was thirteen. A seventeen year old Luis grinned at the camera as a twenty-one year old Mariana hung off of his back, laughing as they tumbled to the ground. There was so much joy on their faces and Eddie was struck by how young his wife looked.

"You never told me how he died."

"Mari didn't think you were old enough. Sometimes I think she just isn't ready to tell you. It...was very painful for her. She tried to save him."

"By not letting him go to a party?"

Eddie bit back a chuckle and shook his head. "She did do that, yes, but no. Uh...your dad and mom died from a driveby. They were on a date night and some gangs fired on the crowd. Aunt Mari was working that night and tried to save your parents. For a long time and still to this day, she feels guilty."

"But she didn't shoot them, it's not her fault."

"We know that, but her job is saving lives. Losing your father after trying to do everything...it made her doubt every part of her. She loved Luis with all of her heart, just like she loves you. Your dad died in a freak accident being at the wrong place at the wrong time. And everyday when you leave this house, she worries just the same. I'm not saying you have to stay here trapped inside for the rest of your life. What I am saying is that maybe you should give her some credit. She just wants you safe."

Diego blinked back some tears and nodded. "Does she hate me?"

"She could never. She loves you so much that she would move heaven and earth for anyone in this family."

Diego nodded once more and swiped the tears off of his cheeks. "Do you...can I go tell her I'm sorry?"

"Of course."

Eddie directed Diego to the parents bedroom, finding his wife curled up on her side on the bed. She raised her head when she heard the door open and quickly swiped a hand across her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Aunt Mari," Diego said. Mariana opened her arms and he jumped onto the bed and into her embrace, burrowing into her arms. She carded her fingers through his hair and stroked his back.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, kiddo," she admitted hoarsely.

"I just wish I met my parents. I wish I could talk to them. I love you, both of you, but..."

"It hurts to not know them. I understand. Your father was the best part of my life until he passed. I miss him everyday."

"Will you tell me about him?"

Mariana smoothed his hair down and nodded. "Maybe Uncle Eddie will bring us some dinner and I'll answer any questions you have about Luis and Jess."

A/N: hi i know i've said it a lot but if u like marvel, pls go check out my story ghost and graveyards it would mean so much to me. i'm so excited to share ada's story.

also, have a sam wilson story in the works but i can't post it juuuust yet. would anyone be interested in it?

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