Diaz Family Fort

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Pulling the truck up into the driveway, Eddie put it in park and turned off the car. He settled his hands on the steering wheel and stared blankly at the garage door in front of him. It had been a rough night to say the least and he just...he couldn't peel his fingers off of the hard plastic of the wheel. His mind was racing over every second of the shift.

The porch light flipped on and the front door opened. His eyes found her immediately, following her with his dark gaze. Five years of marriage and the ring on his chain never weighed heavy against his chest. Mariana calmly opened the driver's door and reached her hand out to gently curl around his fingers and pry them from the wheel. Eddie bowed his head, the creeping grief finally crawling into his chest and begging to escape.

"It's okay," Mariana whispered. He slowly slid out of the truck and pocketed the keys, his other hand tangling with hers. He could see her better now. Clad in athletic shorts and one of his old football shirts, the curve of the small bump on her stomach was visible just from the lay of the fabric. Her robe rested on her shoulders, indicating that she waited up for him. Her and Travis had started a nightly vigil on the nights they didn't work and their respective partners did. No matter how many times Eddie protested and told her to go to bed, Mari would always wait up for him.

She quietly opened the front door and led him into the house, pulling off his jacket and hanging it on the hook as he kicked off his shoes. Eddie waited for her to finish before he slid his arms around her waist, his hand settling against her growing stomach. Mari leaned back against him, her hand coming up to touch his cheek softly.

"You can tell me," she said. He knew. He could always tell her. After seven years of being partners, Mari knew him better than he knew himself.

"House fire. Parents weren't home. We only saved two of the five kids."

Her grip tightened on him and he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Calls with kids were always hard but when they turned for the worst? Every team member would go home and hug their family extra tight. Eddie was protective already, but he wouldn't sleep a wink tonight knowing that he had three kids, a wife, and a baby on the way sleeping in one house and anything could happen. Mariana seemed to know what he was thinking because she pulled away from him and leaned up to kiss him.

"Go take a shower and I'll have some tea ready for you," she murmured.

But when he came back into the living room twenty minutes later, Eddie found the living room a mess. The coffee table was shoved aside and all the pillows from the couch were pulled onto the floor along with blankets he distinctly remembered had been on the kids' beds. Giggles erupted from the mass of blankets and Eddie crouched down to find his family curled up underneath. Diego and Christopher were smooshed onto one side, playing with their Nintendo Switches. Mari was laying next to three-year old Hope, tickling and playing peekaboo with her daughter. At the site of her husband, Mari beckoned him into joining them.

"Alright boys, get to a save point and turn the games off," she announced. "It's bedtime."

"Daddy!" Hope exclaimed in greeting. He scooped her up as he settled back against the pillows next to his wife. His daughter wrapped her small arms around his neck and hugged him, an elated giggle falling past her lips.

"Hi sweetie. I missed you and your brothers today."

"And mommy?"

Eddie looked over at the smiling woman next to him and he leaned over to kiss her quickly. Mari's smile grew and he brushed some of her hair back, his thumb brushing along her jaw.

"I always miss mommy. It's 'cause I love her so much."

He mouthed a "thank you" to her and she winked before crawling out of the fort to turn off the light before returning. Eddie settled Hope in between the two of them, ruffled both the boys hair, and laid back. Surrounded by his family and able to see that they were safe, he easily fell asleep.

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