To Infinity and Beyond

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"Cute kids. Wife's hot. I'm guessing they live with you at 4995 South Bedford Street," Mitchell said as he raised the photo out of Eddie's wallet. Mariana, holding Hope up so they were cheek to cheek, smiled at the camera. Diego and Christopher stood in front of her, their arms wrapped over each other's shoulders. Eddie stared at the photo, a blank stare coming over his features as he clenched his jaw. That was his family.

"Go before I shoot you. Or better yet, I shoot him, and then I find his pretty wife and kids and I shoot them too."

Mariana exited the bay she was in and headed for the nurses station. Worry gnawed at her chest but she needed to focus. They were already short nurses today so she couldn't just forget her job.

She passed Joanna the chart in her hands and looked up just in time to see Eddie turning around the corner, looking tired but unharmed. She couldn't stop the gasp that escaped her, one of relief and fear and pent up emotions. It caught his attention and he turned his head to lock eyes with her.

"Hey sweetheart," he greeted quietly.

Mariana pushed off the desk and slammed into him, her arms winding around his neck and pulling him into her. His hands came up, one resting on her waist and the other cupping the back of his neck as he cradled her to his chest. Mariana let out a strangled sound and curled her fingers tightly in his shirt.

"I'm okay," he murmured.

Her hands ran down his back to check for wounds or injuries. He merely held her close and let her examine him, inhaling the scent of her vanilla shampoo mixed with the sterile air of the hospital and the all too familiar smell of home. He could relax just a fraction but the threat still clamped down on his thoughts.

"The kids," he mumbled out, face pressed into the crook of her neck. Mariana ran her hand over his hair, the same way she did to Christopher after he had a bad dream.

"Fine. Travis texted me that they're fast asleep and safe. It's okay, Eddie. You can relax now."

She heard his unspoken hesitation through the stiffness of his shoulders and the rigid lines of hard muscle under her fingers. He couldn't relax because he was scared he would collapse in on himself in front of everyone.

"And you?" he croaked out.

Mariana let a small smile curve at her lips and she pressed her cheek against the side of his head. "I'm always safe when I'm with you, Diaz."

He let out a shuddering breath and slowly but surely she felt the muscles in his back uncoil a little. He raised his head to take in her appearance, from her dark hair in a messy bun to the red lines from the mask she had been wearing when she went up to help the ICU for a bit and down to her bright yellow crocs. Warm brown eyes met his and he felt his chest ease.

He had shut down to face Mitchell. The second he threatened his family, Eddie locked down his emotions, stuffed them in a box, and locked the box somewhere deep inside his heart. And when he saw Mariana for the first time again, he hadn't wanted to show her this side of him. This unfeeling, emotionless soldier. But she had and she easily reached into his heart, pulled that box out, and delicately unpacked each and everyone of his demons in just a simple touch and words of her security in him. She trusted him to keep her safe.

Eddie gently cupped the sides of her face and pressed his lips to her brow in a sweet kiss. Mariana shut her eyes as she savored the delicate touch of her husband. He pulled away from her and stroked his thumb along her cheek.

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