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At forty-three, Eddie Diaz found himself at his desk in his office at the 118, tired and frustrated at the mounting stacks of paperwork in front of him. Today was not going the way he wanted it to. He had woken up to an empty bed, his daughters already dropped off at school, and his wife running errands. Fourteen years married to her and he hated waking up alone.

And then there was so much paperwork. With tax reforms came budget reallocation and now, a merger between two EMS departments. Los Angeles had tried to follow in Austin and other cities footsteps with dividing the paramedics and the firefighters but the ten year experiment was starting to fizzle out as finances ramped up.

So today, his already cramped office that was supposed to hold just one captain was now going to hold three.

Buck was off shift today stuck at headquarters with some boring meeting about community engagement and social media that would have Eddie asleep in five minutes. Honestly, he was impressed that Buck would pay attention.

In reality, Buck would be texting his husband Travis and his two kids throughout the meeting.

"Cap, new girl is here," Liam announced after knocking on his door.

"That new girl is also one of your captains now so a little respect please?" Eddie sighed. Liam was one of two probies for the B shift of the 118 and he reminded Eddie a lot of what Bobby would described as "Full Buck 24/7".

Once Bobby Nash retired six years ago, the B shift of the 118 started to drift apart workwise. Hen was now working as an ER doctor, Chimney was now a paper pusher for the LAFD main offices, and Mariana was promoted to captain and subsequently transferred to the 103. Buck and Eddie were lucky to be granted a co-captaincy over their original shift once the LAFD overlords saw how well they worked together.

There had been a lot of workplace politics and tensions brewing up until the final nail landed in the coffin. No one wanted Mariana transferred, especially not Eddie, but the LAFD overlords (all fuckheads, Diego had called them one night when the family video chatted) determined that she would be better suited training other paramedics and firefighters.

And so the 118's B shift was now down to two of the original members. Liam and Matt were the two probies and also the two that gave Eddie and Buck the most grey hairs. He now understood why Bobby would silently but angrily chop up vegetables for dinner after the Terrible Trio did something stupid on calls. Josephine, or Joey as she preferred, was the longest serving member. She had joined the 118 five years ago and was the only one who met Mariana when she still worked for them.

Then there was Brooklyn, a fiery three year vet who reminded him a lot of his wife. Eddie knew that there would be a day when he couldn't stop Brooklyn from running her mouth at a scene. But he didn't need to worry, where Brooklyn went, Jae followed. Jae had joined them a year ago from another station and instantly gravitated towards Brooklyn. She would barely look at him and he caught her snapping at him once or twice but he simply would just sit near her, reading a book quietly. Over time, she grew comfortable with him and it wasn't uncommon to find them in the morning before lineup, her with a cup of coffee he made for her and he with a book in his hands.

Buck liked to rib Eddie and tell him that they were just Mari and him reincarnated.

Eddie rolled his eyes every time, but he secretly had $20 in the betting pool for when they got together.

Another knock sounded on the door and he sighed, standing to prepare himself for greeting the new captain. The door swung open to reveal a slim and lithe figure that he was very familiar with, having had it under him many times. She sent him a dazzling grin and propped the cardboard box up on her hip higher.

"Gonna help me or just gonna stand there looking like an idiot?" Mariana Ramirez teased.

"What?" Eddie exclaimed. "Since when?"

"Since Buck and I did the paperwork while you were too busy crying over Chris and Diego leaving for school again."

He made sure the door was shut and that her box was promptly put on the empty desk before he pulled her in for a burning, searing kiss. First, he hadn't been able to kiss her good morning and now he was finally going to be able to work with her again.

"Hey, rules still apply," she warned, her voice breathy and light as she pulled away.

"New rule. Rules don't apply when we're in here alone and the doors closed," he growled. "Fuck, I missed you."

"You saw me last night."

"I'm talking about you in this uniform."

"Well shit, honey, all you had to do was ask."

They had a solid half hour of uninterrupted time to talk. Mariana had left nursing after she had Jess, their second daughter and youngest child. Instead, she became a full time paramedic and part time firefighter. She had all the credentials and skills to run into a burning building, but Mari was now normally in the back of an ambulance. When the LAFD started shifting EMS away from firefighting to receive solely medical calls, Mariana was transferred to train and guide new paramedics.

But five years later and she was back with the 118 as the new Paramedic Captain.

"I'm not complaining," he teased as she set her name plaque onto the dark cherry wood of her desk. "Except...Captain Ramirez?"

"I do have two names dear," she quipped. "I think it's about time you know this."

"I know, you little rat. Does anyone except Buck and Joey know that we're married?"

She smiled at him and shrugged. "Nope and I intend on keeping that hidden until I get a good grasp on things around here. I have no doubt that you and Buck have done an amazing job here, but things have changed since I was last here. Give me some time to settle in and gather my bearings. Also, it's easier if there aren't two Diazes going into the fire."

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, settling his hands on her waist. Time, love, and babies had softened her body and increased his absolute adoration for her. Fourteen years of marriage and he felt like a twenty seven year old still in the club with the prettiest girl he'd ever seen pressed against him.

"I know you're right but you know me. Possessive caveman streak and all of that."

"Mmm, I love it when you admit I'm right. You should do it more often."

Eddie rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek once more before leaving her side to grab some of the files off of his desk. It was perfect timing, in fact, because Matt flew into the office without bothering to knock.

"Hey Cap! Dinner's ready in ten. Liam said the new girl joined." His head swiveled to look at Mariana who blinked up at him incredulously. His eyes raked over her and he nodded to himself.

"Go set the table for dinner, Matt. And learn some manners when you're out there."

"On it, Cap. Nice to meet you, Lady Cap." The door was still open when he bolted out and towards the kitchen. "Liam, you didn't say she was a MILF!"

Mariana let out a surprised laugh as Eddie started heading for the door before his wife intercepted him.

"Hey, leave it up to me. Gotta prove myself, right?" she teased. "Brass Breaker turned brass? Now, c'mon, introduce me to the team. Buck said I would get along well with Brooklyn."

Eddie shut his eyes in exasperation and sent up a prayer before nodding. He led the way out of their office (a fact he was very proud of) and to the kitchen. Mariana casually patted a hand against his ass and leaned over to whisper one last thing before she let her captain's mask slip on in preparation of meeting the others.


A/N: for those of u who don't follow my tumblr, I've started a whole movement of calling Eddie "DILF" and "Diaz DILF". Buck is also a dilf by association. Bobby and Chimney already are dilfs and Hen, Athena, and Maddie are milfs. I don't make the rules.

Also if u don't follow me on tumblr, ur missing out on some quality content about me discussing Eddie's shirt choices alsjeflasdf

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