Hope's First Word

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The tinny wail of a baby sounded from the master bedroom and Mariana excused herself from the table. She returned with a crying seven month old Hope in her arms, bouncing her daughter up and down. Hope sniffled and let out a choked hiccuping sob as her small hand reached out to grasp a chunk of her mom's hair. Mari grimaced at the slight pull but let her tug on it for a bit.

"Did the talking wake you up?" she cooed. "Did daddy's stupid idea of a treasure hunt wake you up? I know. Your grandma and grandpa and Uncle Chim and Auntie Hen and Uncle Buck are all dumb, I know."

Everyone turned to look at the two with unamused expressions and Mari grinned. "You idiots went on a treasure hunt without me. I will hold this over your heads for years to come."

"Yeah, we kinda walked right into that one," Eddie sighed. He held his hands out for his daughter and Mari gently passed Hope to him before leaning down to untangle her hand from her daughter's tight grip. Hope giggled as her Uncle Buck pulled a funny face at her. Mari grinned and pressed a kiss to her chubby cheek.

"Buck, I'm just impressed they let you be in charge of the math," she commented.

"He used a calculator," Eddie replied dryly. He grinned at his daughter as her cries quieted and giggled as he rubbed his nose against hers. Hope wrapped her hands around his and babbled out something. He nodded along solemnly as if she just bestowed sage advice on him.

"You're absolutely right, Hope. Uncle Buck is bad at math."

"Hey, stop corrupting my niece," Buck complained.

"Buck!" Hope exclaimed happily.

The table fell silent as the dark haired girl giggled excitedly. Mari's mouth parted in surprise and Eddie stared at his best friend. For the past two weeks, the Diazes had been in a constant battle to get Hope to say her first word. Mari was obviously rooting for "mama" and Eddie for "dada". And now her first word was Buck.

"Well..." Mari sighed with a shrug. "At least it wasn't with an f."

"Clearly she has a favorite," Buck crowed smugly while looking like the cat that ate the canary. Mari waved her dinner knife at him and narrowed her eyes.

"You didn't push her out of you so I'd be careful if I were you."

"Yes, ma'am!"

A/N: a small blurb written after today's ep. Almost done with finals and then hoping to work on my Marvel stories. Also have an idea inspired by next weeks ep but idk if I should wait to post it until next week's ep airs

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