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I still saw him, everyday to be exact. After my violin lessons, I would walk up to the old oak tree and climb up to him.

"Hello darling, come to gaze longingly at my beautiful face again," he joked. He was high as a kite, but then again he always was.

"My name is not darling, just call me Elle for god's sake," I huffed out in annoyance ignoring his first comment. Sometimes I truly couldn't tell what was him and what was the drugs.

"My apologies Ms Elle," he replied with a lazy smile.

Closing my eyes I took a deep calming breath trying best not to lose my temper. I don't know what drew me to this man, it certainly couldn't be his personality not that I even knew much about it. I guess I just couldn't help but be curious, deep down I knew for sure there was more to him than just arrogance and addiction.

"You know you never did tell me your name."

"Danny darling. My name is Daniel."

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