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"Oi! Darling!" I quickly spun around to the direction of the deep voice.

It was Daniel. I'd never seen him up close before, it wasn't until now that I noticed the light freckles that dusted his cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" I was beginning to think he was glued to that old tree.

Awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, I smiled at his nervousness. I'd never seen him like this, he seemed grounded. Like he'd finally gotten his head out of the clouds and was down on Earth with the rest of us.

"I just happened to see you walking and figured I'd com to bless you with my presence," he said in hopes to regain his composure.

I couldn't help the wide grin that took over my face as I let out a light chuckle, "I was on my way to this cafe down the road, it's quite lovely. You could join me if you'd like."

Nodding his head he returned the smile as he gestured for me to lead the way. Every step I took, I could hear my heart threatening to burst out of my chest. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd ever hung out with anyone. After I dropped out of uni, I had a rough year. Every "friend" I'd managed to make soon turned into strangers, I was alone and closer than ever to being on the streets if it hadn't been for Marcus. Marcus owned the small music shop that I'd gone to for as long as I could remember for rehearsals and when he noticed I was struggling he offered me a job. I worked my ass off in that little shop every week to keep myself afloat and I couldn't be more grateful. Marcus was like the father I wished I had in my life.

"Earth to Elle, you still with us darling?"

I jumped in surprise, I hadn't noticed that we stopped walking. I'd become a daydreamer, like Daniel. My cheeks burned in embarrassment as I shook my head.

"Sorry, got lost in thought a minute there. The shop's a couple more buildings down, follow me."

Without realising what I was doing, I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the small white building at the corner of the street. A small bell rang as we entered inside and as soon as I felt the cool air inside slap my face I immediately released Daniel's hand. Too embarrassed to look him in the eye, I simply made my way to a small table in the back and took a seat hoping that Daniel had followed behind me.

"I've almost everything here and it's all delicious. I must say however that their hot chocolate and croissants is my favourite combo," I rambled while handing him a menu.

He glanced at it for a second and then his eyes were back on me. Those piercing deep brown eyes.

"So besides coming here and eating croissants, what else goes on in the life of Elle"

"Well, I play my violin," I said a bit nervous.

I wasn't used to talk about myself. A lady with a bright pink apron came up to take our order. I ordered my usual and was surprised when Daniel ordered the same thing.

"I've never met a violinist. Sounds so fancy to say," he chuckled, " are you are posh girl Ms. Elle?"

I blushed yet again, the last word I'd ever use to describe myself is posh.

"It's nothing, it's just a silly old instrument. Tell about about you Daniel, you're the great enigma."

"Don't say silly darling, be proud of what you love. I wouldn't call myself an enigma. I'm nothing more than what you see, a wash up boy who sits in trees for fun and has one too many problems."

I didn't know how to respond. His tone was somewhat bitter, but deep down I felt as though I could relate. My life was so bittersweet.

The same lady that had taken our order returned and I was grateful for the warm chocolatey scent the hugged my nose. I didn't ask Daniel anymore questions after that, we simply sat in a comfortable silence and I watched as he indulged.

Hi guys! I changed this chapter up a LOT. This chapter had originally shown Danny's withdraw from the drugs if you might notice in the comments but rewriting this I want this story to shine more light on the harsh realities of addiction so I would like to try my best to write it more realistic! Thanks for ready and leave a vote to show some love <3

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