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Daniel's POV
*warning hard drug use!!*

Tightening the belt around my arm I watched closely as the tip of the needle seeped into my skin and entered my vein. Pushing the entirely of its contents into my blood stream, I let my head fall back and let out a sigh of relief. I could feel its effects kicking in already as my body is engulfed in warmth and euphoria.

Dropping the needle I loosed the leather belt and let it fall to the ground. I pulled my lighter from my pocket and lit a joint as I mad my way over to the couch. Closing my eyes I allowed the smoke to fill my lungs, leaving behind a slight burn before exhaling. This was all routine by now.

I loved the feeling of a high.

The pills. The alcohol. The smokes.

It made me better.

I felt no worry, no pain, no anger. It made me forget who I was, allowed me to step out of myself and experience life from the outside.

She hopes to change me, show that there's more to this life. It's how they all are.

They see something broken and make it their mission to fix it, but she can't help me.

I've been shattered to pieces and molded back together so many times...the glue will no longer hold.

I'm gone...forever.

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