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Rushing as quick as possible through the harsh winter winds, I entered the familiar building. It's been a while, but my legs had no issue taking me straight to where I needed to be. I crossed the hall and entered the second door. 

I had made it just in time, it seemed as though they were finally getting started. I took my seat next to the familiar face and for the rest of the hour I simply sat and listened. I listened to their stories, I listened to their sorrows, and I listened to their recoveries.

No one in this world goes without pain, however, pain is forever and always unique to an individual. Now I just needed to find a way to cope with my own.

As the meeting came to a close, people one by one began to exit the auditorium until we were the only two who remained.

"I'm sorry."

"I missed you."

And with just those two words left to linger in the air, we sat there together in silence as if time had simply stopped.

I couldn't tell you how much time had passed, not even an estimate, but I was the first to get up. I zipped up my coat and made my way towards the exit without a word.

"Will you be back!" Amara shouted just as I made it to the door.

I stopped in my tracks and thought for a minute, "Yea, I think I will."


Relief flooded through me as the warmth of my house greeted me after a long bitter walk home. Taking off my coat and my shoes, I headed in smiling as I saw Daniel hunched forward and typing away on the laptop I had let him borrow.

"Hi Daniel."

He looked up in shock, as if he was so engrossed in the task at had that he hadn't even realised I returned home. Giving me one of his infamous and welcoming smiles, he got up from his seat made his way towards me.

My grin widened as I ran to him, feeling myself become engulfed in his arms and embraced in his comfort. The warmth of his body against mine made me feel good inside, so full of emotion.

It wasn't love though, it couldn't be. We barely knew each other, just the pains we shared.

The way he cares for me and sees so much good in me makes me love myself. It makes me feel like I have a place in this world, he makes me want to fight.

Love isn't the cure for pain, but it sure does help. A reliever.

Love is tylenol.

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