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I couldn't just settle for whatever this was. The possibility that I might never see him again, when I hadn't even been given the chance to get to know him. Everyday I would wake up early, walk out to the rusted old bench out by the forest and wait. It wasn't until day five that I saw him again and god did he look awful.

His already pale skin was now a ghostly white, almost grey. The skin underneath his eyes worn from his obvious lack of sleep and almost swollen shut. Before I could even realise what my body was doing, I ran over to him.

Seeing him up close made my heart sink even more, I couldn't even imagine how he had found the strength to walk. I hesitantly reached my hand up to rest on his cheek as I looked into his dull and lifeless eyes.

"Oh Danny."

My voice caught in my throat as my eyes began to tear. I barely knew this boy yet I couldn't help but hurt for him. I missed that beautiful cheerful smile he'd always give me. The one that made it seem as though he hadn't a single care in the world when in reality it seemed as if he was holding the entire world on his shoulders.

"Are you okay? Where have you been? Was it something I-". Daniel cut me off before I could even finish, pulling my hand away from his face

"Listen Elle I don't know if you've realised, but I'm obvious scum. My only "friendships" are with drugs and it's quite a needy relationship. I just haven't the time to entertain your superhero gimmicks."

I couldn't understand what he was saying to me, why now? What what changed in him?

"I'm not some broken dolly you can just put back together, I don't need to be fixed. I'm no good for you and you can't make me good so I think it's just best you stay away from me."

He was out my sight before I could find the words to say. He was wrong, he knows nothing about me and what I've been through. I was as much a scum as he was, and I guess that's what drew me to him. Daniel had his demons to face and I had my own, but there was no rule that said we couldn't keep each other company along the way.

I'd never craved companionship like this from anyone before, but Daniel was different.

They say not to chase something that doesn't want to be caught, but maybe, just maybe somewhere deep behind his insecurities Danny wanted to be saved.

Tainted Hearts (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now