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"Daniel I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the house.

I struggled to lock the door with the heavy bags of groceries hanging form my arms, Daniel was a grown man so I figured he'd need lots of food to get through all of this.

I set the bags on the floor and took my shoes off. The house was silent, I guess Daniel was asleep. I walked into the living room to see the couch empty, I didn't think much of it until I walked into my room to see the bed neatly made and a little white note laying atop of the sheets.

My heart felt as though it was ready to jump out of my throat, I felt sick to my stomach as I read the notes and couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. He left me with nothing. No goodbye, no explanation. Just an "I'm Sorry". 

I laid in bed alone that night and my heart felt more hollow than ever. What had I done? Where did I go wrong, I left myself more broken than I was before. I missed his touch, his scent.

Why did I let my sister leave?

Why did I let Daniel leave?

I let my thoughts take over my mind as I laid almost paralysed beneath the sheets. I had no more tears left to cry, it was if all the life had been drained from me. 

I was sick and I thought he could be my cure, while in reality he was nothing but a drug. I had gotten addicted to the way he made me feel and now I was going through withdraw. What I had thought would finally take me a step further, had only pushed me back even farther.

I was my own ruination. 

Tainted Hearts (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now