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A middle aged woman dressed in a long pencil skirt and a white blazer walked in and took a seat at what seemed to be the start of the circle.

"Okay guys I'm Dr. Zane and I'll be leading today's session. Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves?" 

Starting from her right, everyone began to introduce their names and why they had decided to come. It was inspiring in a way, hearing the names of all these people and getting a glimpse into their struggles. It made me feel less alone.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and broke out of my daze. It was Amara, guess my turn had come.

"Hello everyone, my name is Elle. I've been an orphan since I was eight, and at ten I was separated from my sister and sent through countless foster homes. I guess I'm here because I have yet to cope with the feeling of abandonment."

Something wet rolled down my cheek and I realised that I had started crying. This was the first time in years that I had told anyone about my past, and even though this was just a room of strangers, it was still such a huge step.

Amara offered me a hand and I thankfully interlaced my fingers into hers, giving her a thankful smile.

"Thank you for sharing with us Elle, we're happy to have you here with us," Dr. Zane said.

Amara was next. The confidence that radiated off of her was astounding, I was beginning to wonder why she was even here. She seemed so strong.

"Hello my name is Amara," she said with a gentle smile on her face,"and a year ago I was raped. Everyday I tell myself I've moved past it and that I'm a strong woman, but I've come to realise that it is okay to be weak. Being vulnerable takes you on the path to becoming strong...I guess."

I felt her grip tighten and I wanted nothing more than to reassure her the way she had done  for me. While I had spent my entire life being vulnerable, she was opposite.

The two of us had found a facade to hide behind.

Tainted Hearts (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now