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Amara asked me out for lunch.

It made me a bit wary. Daniel was the only person I'd ever really hung out with. Plus I had left him alone in the house without telling him where I was actually headed, I should probably go back to check up on him.

But I didn't.

Amara insisted I come with her, and we walked down the street together as she lead me to a small pub. 

From the outside it looked like a regular old family run joint, but the inside was quite the opposite. Dangling lights decorated the corners of the ceilings, vintage and abstract artwork decorated the walls, and the dozens of table tops scattered around the room were cluttered with countless people huddle together in conversation.

Amara grabbed my arm and pulled me through the crowd to grab a seat at the bar.

"Amara! I always knew you couldn't get enough of us, you've decided to grace us on your day off," a thick and burly man behind the counter shouted over the commotion. 

Amara chuckled, "Oh hush, I'm just here with a friend. We were in the area."

They two must've been close from what I could tell. They addressed each other so casually and comfortably.

"Archie this is Elle," she said nodding over to me.

The man gave me an over exaggerated smile, showing off his missing teeth, "Nice to meet you, what can I get for you ladies?"

"Just give get us two whiskey burgers and a glass of beer to go with it."

"Uhh actually I don't drink," I said nervously making her smile.

"It's cool, I'll just drink it for you."

She was like no one I'd ever met before. The way she carried herself in front of other people, you could just feel the confidence that radiated from her. Everything about her was so genuine.

"I like you Elle, I have a feeling we'll me good mates."

Her comment took me by surprise causing my cheeks to burn, yet I couldn't help but return her contagious smile.

Tainted Hearts (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now