Chapter 27 final chapter

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I'm sad to inform y'all that this will be the last chapter of the story, but it's been super fun to write. One day when I have wrote many many stories, I will probably go back and read them all again cuz why not.

It had been around a month since Joey had been arrested. Henry was living in his own home with Bendy. Sammy and Norman were living together and getting married the next day.
As for Alice and Boris, they went to go live with Allison and Thomas. Everything turned out great. Henry currently sat on the couch in his new home, doodling in a drawing book.
Bendy sat beside him. He was teaching the demon to draw. "You're doing great." Henry smiled. Soon Bendy got bored of drawing, and stood up on the cushions of the couch.
He launched himself at Henry and hugged him. "Hey Hen, can we watch a movie?" Bendy asked. Ever since Henry had introduced movies to the little demon, he'd been overly excited every time they would watch one.
"I don't watched one just yesterday." Henry let slip a small smile. Bendy frowned, his eyes growing large. "Pleeaaasseeeee???" He whined.
Henry just shrugged.
Bendy thought for a second. Maybe he could persuade Henry? The little demon leaned forwards and kissed his cheek.
Henry laughed. "It's still a no." He said. Bendy continued kissing Henry all over his face. "I won't stop until ya say yes." He said.
Henry laughed again. "Do you think this is bugging me? Because it's not." Henry smiled. He wrapped the demon in his arms and held him like a teddy bear.
Bendy pouted. "Fine, what movie do you want to watch?" Henry asked.
The next day, Bendy and Henry were with Alice and Thomas and Boris and Allison at a beautiful grassy spot helping set up the wedding for Sammy and Norman.
They had sent invitations to all their old coworkers, and their family's. (Sammy's family wasn't invited). Wally and Jack were first to arrive.
Everyone was glad to see they were still together and very happy. Next Grant came, then Shawn, then Susie, then Lacie, and so on.
They all stared with wide eyes at the toons. "There's no way..." Shawn leaned down to look at Bendy. "That's kinda cool." Grant said.
He reached out and poked Bendy in the shoulder. The demon hissed and recoiled back, latching himself onto Henry's leg.
Henry looked down and laughed at Shawn's and Grant's shocked expressions. "H-he's alive!" Shawn gasped, clutching his hands onto Grants arm.
"That's incredible." Grant observed.
Shawn went to go say hi to Jack and Wally. Henry then noticed a ring on Grants finger. "Hey, did you uh- did you get married?" Henry asked, gesturing to the ring.
Grant looked down at his hand and smiled. "Yeah." He said giddily. Henry had never seen Grant smile like that before.
"Who's the lucky girl?" Henry asked. Grant stiffened. "It's uh..." Grant trailed off. "Is she here?" The animator asked.
"You could say that." Grant responded. Henry raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Do you not want people to know? Are you really hiding who your partner is?" Henry asked, hands on his hips.
Bendy scoffed. "Funny comin from you Henry." He laughed. "Wait! No way you finally got a girlfriend?" Grant asked.
"No, but stop trying to change the subject, and know who's idea that was." Henry playfully glared at Bendy.
If Grant hadn't been told in earlier days that Henry was straight, he would've thought those two were together.
"I'm not hiding them, it's just...none of our friends know about it, we had a silent wedding. Just family." Grant said awkwardly.
His "girlfriend" had obviously not realized this yet. Shawn bounded over. "Hey! Grant guess what?!" He said, hyper as usual.
"Yes?" Grant asked. "Did you know that Boris loves card games? We should go play with him!" Shawn grinned like an excited child.
"Sure." Grant responded. "I love you!" Shawn leaned over and kissed him, then ran off smiling. "I uh...I'll go then." Grant blushed.
"It looks like ya didn't tell someone that yer friends didn't know yet." Bendy laughed. Grant rolled his eyes and hurried off. The group spent a few hours helping to set up the last of the wedding, then the ceremony began and they all took their seats.
Sammy invited Sally, Matt, and Hannah, as well as Henry's parents. He liked Henry's niece and nephew. (Okay I'm super sorry but I absolutely suck at writing ceremony stuff and I'm going to end up ruining the whole story if I write it so I'm skipping to the part where they are officially married and everyone is just at this party now. I'm sorry.)
Everyone was having fun talking and laughing, dancing and catching up with each other. Unfortunately, Bendy had drunken what he thought was juice, and that's how he discovered alcohol. He ended up a bit drunk until Henry realized what he was drinking.
"Okay, that's enough of that for you!" Henry yanked the drink out of his hands. "Aww, okay." Bendy frowned.
He looked up at Henry. "Henry...c'mere." He gestured for Henry to lean down. From across the room, Alice curiously glanced over, knowing Bendy had become drunk.
She's the one who told him to drink it after all, she wanted to know if him and Henry were together or not.
Henry crouched down to Bendy's height. "Yes?" He asked. Bendy put his hands in his shoulders and stared into his eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked. Henry blushed a bit. "Not right now, we're in front a load of people." Henry said.
Bendy didn't listen. He grabbed the collar of Henry's shirt and quickly pulled him forwards and deeply kissed him.
Henry placed his hands in Bendy's shoulders and pushed him away. "N-no! Not right now!" He spluttered, face burning.
Bendy drunkenly laughed and grinned. Alice couldn't believe what she just saw. "I think it's bed time for you bud. We should head home so let's go say goodbye to everyone." Henry said.
He glanced around, hoping nobody saw. Bendy and Henry said bye to their friends. As Henry helped Bendy into his car seat and closed the car door, Alice came up behind him.
"Hey Henry." She said. "Yes Alice?" Henry asked. "Bendy must be pretty drunk to have grabbed you by the shirt and kiss you." Alice laughed.
Henry's face burned. "You saw that?" Henry said uncomfortably. "Yeah...why'd he do that?" Alice asked innocently.
"I...don't know, he's just intoxicated and well...I mean it uh..." Henry struggled to find words. "Did you know he loves you?" Alice asked.
"Yes." Henry nodded. "What? Who told you?" Alice demanded. "Uh...he did." Henry answered. "And when was this?" Alice pushed for answers.
"It...that's none of your business." Henry snapped. "Okay, but just let me know one thing." Alice pleaded. Henry sighed.
"Fine, what is it?" The animator asked. "Are you guys together? If so how long?" Alice asked. "That's two things." Henry said.
"Please Henry?" Alice said. "Fine, since we met Norman's siblings, when me and Bendy went for a walk he told me." Henry said.
"Aww! I knew you guys were going to get together eventually!" Alice cooed. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" She questioned.
"No more questions, I am tired and have a drunk demon in my car, goodnight Alice." Henry said. "Goodnight Henry, I'll see you later." The angel said. She started to walk away.
Henry clambered into his car and turned it on. Bendy was grinning at him from the backseat. "Heeeennnrryyyyyy!" He called.
Henry turned around. "Yes bud?" He asked. "I love ya!" Bendy grinned. Henry laughed. "I love you too." He said, proceeding to lean forwards and kiss the demon.
Alice turned back and saw through the car window, smiling to herself as she walked away. "Those two were so in love from the beginning, I can't believe they hadn't found out about it for so long." She smiled.
"Hey Henry?" Bendy asked, growing strangely serious. "Yes?" Henry asked. Bendy grabbed Henry's hand.
"Do ya think that one day, would we get married, or split up?" Bendy's voice cracked at the end. "Cuz I really hope that second option won't happen." The demon said with watery/inky eyes.
Henry lovingly kissed the demon, placing his hands over Bendy's. "The second one isn't an option, I'm 100% sure our future will be together, I've never loved someone like I've loved you." Henry smiled. Bendy grinned.
"I love ya lots Henry, I never wanna loose ya. I don't know what I'd do if I did." Bendy said. The two kissed. And in the future, they did get married. And all their friends and family supported them. The two had never been happier.

And that concludes the ending. So now that I'm ending this book, I'm starting a new one. So this ones not gonna be a batim book, but idk if you like the ship it's about.
So do you guys know the Simpsons? Y'know Lenny and Carl? Yeah, those guys. I'm writing a fic about them and y'all can't stop me. So if you like that ship you should go check the new book out, but it might be a few days before I publish the first chapter. Thanks for sticking around and reading this book to the end!❤️

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