Chapter 9

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Alice now looked terrified as she watched her safety shatter into millions of pieces. Bendy stepped into her room of tables and weapons, and grabbed her by the throat.
She choked, pleading him to let her go, but he didn't. Soon she fell to the floor, dead. Bendy took one look at the tables that Boris and Norman were tied to, and slashed the restraints open with his claws.
The others wondered why he did this.
Bendy then went over to the four pinned to the wall. They all looked terrified. "W-why would y-you help us-s?" Sammy whimpered.
"I ain't helpin, just doin a trade." Bendy smirked. "What do you want?" Alison said, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, for your freedom, and for killing Alice and keeping y'all safe, I want him." Bendy pointed straight at Henry. The animator didn't look surprised, but he did look scared.
"No! You can't kill Henry!" Alison snapped. "Woah, calm down there, I ain't gonna kill him, he's just gonna come with me, or else I will kill all of ya." Bendy growled.
"I-I'll go with him!" Henry suddenly blurred out. Everyone stared at him, surprised. "Henry, no-" Alison started arguing.
"Alison, you guys find safety and happiness, I hope you get out, but as long as you guys are okay, I don't care what happens to me." Henry said.
Bendy shrugged, ripped the pipes off of Henry, and then the others. Henry and Bendy walked to the exit, the demon firmly grabbing onto Henry's shoulder so he could get away.
"Oh and Sammy, I don't think he's quite dead yet." Bendy said, then him and the animator were gone. Sammy's eyes widened as he ran over to Norman's table.
He gasped at what he saw. Norman still had the exact same body, but his head was just like Sammy's. "Norman?" Sammy asked, poking him on the side of his face.
Thomas and Alison stood beside Sammy, hoping that Norman was okay. The inky form of Norman suddenly stirred, and he shot straight up into a seated position.
"What happened!" He shouted. "It's okay, just calm down." Sammy said. Norman looked right at him. He could see better now, because of having two eyes instead of a light.
He slowly reached a hand up to his face and felt it. His breathing increased in speed like he was hyperventilating.
"Calm down." Sammy said. Norman's eyes grew wider and his breathing faster. "I-I-I..." Norman stuttered to find words.
A big grin grew on his face and he stood up. "I HAVE A FACE AGAIN!!!!" Norman screamed in joy. Although he was still covered in ink, his features were more distinct and Sammy swore he knew him from a while ago.
Norman looked directly at Sammy and couldn't look away. "W-why are you staring at me?" Sammy asked, feeling uncomfortable. "Nothing." Norman blushed and looked away.
"Hate to break your little bubble of joy, but what about Henry?" Alison said. Norman looked confused. "Wait, where is Henry? And who are you two?" Norman asked.
"I'm Alison, that's Tom, or Thomas, and the ink demon stole Henry!" Alison said. "Wait, Henry got took by Bendy? Why?" Norman asked.
"We don't know, but Bendy did say that Henry wouldn't be killed..." Alison said. "Which means that he could be getting tortured, what else would Bendy want?" Sammy worried.
"There's nothing we can do, he can easily kill us." Alison sighed. Thomas lowered his head. "Henry was the best, he never thought for himself, only others." Sammy said.
"What can we do?" Norman asked. "Nothing, just hope he finds a way out, Bendy's too strong to attack, plus Henry told us to find a way to be happy." Alison said.
So for the next two weeks, the group of four explored the studio, usually sticking around the levels 9, 11, K, P, and 14.
They hadn't seen Henry for the two weeks they were exploring. But they did have fun with each other. One time, they split into groups in a double hallway to explore more.
Sammy and Norman took the right path, while Alison, Tom, and Boris took the left. "Alison said that these paths most likely looped to one singular path so we'd meet them over their." Norman said. Him and Sammy walked down the halls, talking about anything they could.
"Do you remember anything about your past life working here?" Norman asked. "Well, not exactly, but I did have a weird dream not too long ago that was actually a memory I think." Sammy said.
"What was it about?" Norman asked. "I was really close with this one guy in the studio, and then we became closer and started dating, then he...proposed and before I could answer, the pipes burst and he was gone." Sammy had tears in his eyes, wishing he remembered more about this person.
"What was his name?" Norman asked with a sideways glance. "I can't remember what he looked it sounded like, neither his name." Sammy sighed. Norman got an idea and crumbled up a stray piece of paper, and chucked it at Sammy.
It hit the shorter male in the side of the head. He looked up at Norman. "Why did you do that?" He asked.
"I don't know, I'm bored." Norman smirked at him. Sammy got up and charged at him. Norman picked him up and flung him over his shoulder.
"Hey! Put me down! I have rights!" Sammy yelled. Norman laughed. "And I have the upper hand." He said.
Sammy got an idea, and twisted around and licked Norman's cheek. Surprised, Norman dropped him and Sammy dashed away. "What the hell was that?!" Norman squeaked.
"It's called an escape plan-" Sammy suddenly stopped talking and him and Norman locked eyes. They both remembered when the same thing happened before, but years ago, right before...
"You were the one..." Sammy realized.

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