Chapter 18

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Alice didn't know what to tell Henry, she couldn't tell him the whole truth. "Umm...heh, well..." she blanked out.
Henry raised an eyebrow at her. "Y'know what? Just follow me and Boris." Alice said. The three of them walked to Henry's and Bendy's room, the door was still closed.
Alice carefully opened the door and gestured for Henry to go in. He went in, and saw Bendy curled up in a ball, sniffling.
"Bendy?" Henry asked. The little demon jumped. "H-Henry?" Bendy sat up and tried forcing a smile, like nothing was wrong.
Boris and Alice stayed behind the now closed door, listening in the hallway. "Why were you crying?" Henry asked, sitting on the bed beside Bendy.
"I wasn't cryin!" Bendy denied.
Henry sighed. "Bendy, something's been really bothering you all day, please tell me what it is?" Henry pleaded.
"I'm fine." Bendy said, clearly not fine. "Hey, Y'know your problems never go away until you deal with them, and I bet I could help you with them." Henry said.
Bendy thought for a minute before saying anything. "I jus really don't wanna talk about it." Bendy said. "C'mon Bendy, I know I can help you." Henry said.
"First tell me how it went with Linda..." Bendy said slowly.
Henry hesitated before speaking. "Why?" He asked. Bendy shrugged. "I jus wanna know." He said. "Then you promise that we'll talk about what's wrong?" Henry asked.
Bendy nodded. "Okay, well it was absolutely...well, there's no other way to explain it, what's the word..." Henry thought for a second.
Bendy mentally cried. Of course Henry was looking for the word amazing or indescribable, right? "Oh right, I've never had quite a day like I have today, I literally wanted to run into the road and get hit by a semi truck!" Henry laughed.
"It was the worst day of my life, it was just terrible." Henry stared darkly at the wall for a second, he suddenly looked very, very, angry.
"Why? What happened?" Bendy asked. He felt a lot better now that he knew that Henry didn't love Linda.
"She, uh...said some things, terrible things, about...never mind." Henry said, waving a hand to dismiss the subject. "What did she say?" Bendy asked.
"I shouldn't tell you." Henry said. "Pleeaaassseee???" Bendy pleaded. "Fine, so she said she liked Alice and Boris a lot, because they were so nice...but she also said that she uh, hated you." Henry said.
"She said you were a reincarnation of everything bad, and every sin a person could commit.  She said that you belonged to be...tortured in hell, all because you're a demon." Henry growled.
He seemed to be pretty pissed off now, gritting his teeth and sending the wall a boiling glare of hatred. That's when Bendy realized, Henry didn't not only not love Linda, he absolutely hated her!
"It's fine, she can go jump off a bridge for all I care." Bendy shrugged. Henry tilted his head at him. "Ugh, it wouldn't matter!" He complained, flopping down and laying beside Bendy.
"She was bragging about all her 'amazing accomplishments' like how she was a professional swimmer, and she had a degree in math and science. I wanted to punch her soooo badly." Henry said.
"And not only that! The stories she told were just so boring! I didn't know someone could manage to be that boring, but boy! Was I ever wrong!" Henry ranted.
Bendy liked laying on the bed in the dark room beside Henry, listening to him complaining about how much he hated Linda, the stars and moon in the window their only source of light.
Alice and Boris had left a little while ago to go to bed. "I'm sorry, I'm ranting." Henry said. "It's fine, I hate her too." Bendy smiled.
"Okay, now you have to tell me what's wrong." Henry demanded. Bendy felt his heart quicken. "Y'know what? Ya cheered me up without even tryin!" Bendy said.
"Nice try, tell me what's wrong." Henry said, turning on his side to face the little demon. Bendy squirmed uncomfortably. "It really doesn't matter, everythin's fine, I promise." Bendy said.
"Then what was wrong?" Henry asked. "Doesn't matter now." Bendy answered. "Tell me, you promised." Henry said.
"Nooo! It doesn't matter!" Bendy whined. "Fine then, I'll ask Alice, she knows, but refused to tell me earlier." Henry said.
"No! Don't talk to her!" Bendy said. "Why can't I know?" Henry asked. Bendy sighed. "Because it's somethin really personal that Alice jus happened  to have found out on her own." Bendy said quietly, looking down at his hands.
Henry observed the sad demon. Bendy wanted to tell Henry, but he was scared to because of him being a demon, and Henry being human.
Henry sighed. "Fine, you don't have to tell me but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you." He said.
Bendy smiled up at Henry. "Thanks." He said. They went to sleep. Tomorrow they'd visit Sammy's parents.

Never leave again (sequel to Stay with me)Where stories live. Discover now