Chapter 17

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Everyone around Henry was smiling at him, except for Bendy, who felt like he'd just gotten the wind knocked out of him.
Henry felt a bit similar, but also like puking. He didn't like Linda, not one bit. But the way everyone was looking at him so expectantly, he knew he didn't have a choice.
"Sound great..." he said, his eye twitched, and he had a forced (very forced) smile on his face. Bendy stared at the wall, his face shocked.
Alice noticed this and nudged Boris, pointing at Bendy. "He looks like he's gonna puke, do you think he ate too many pancakes?" Boris wrote on his notepad.
"Yeah, the idiot should know he's too small to have too many." Alice chuckled. "Hey, Bendy?" Alice said. Bendy slowly looked up.
"You good? You look like you ate too many pancakes, are you gonna puke?" Alice asked. Bendy stared at her, then gulped, and got up and left the room.
"No, somethings wrong." Alice said.
The two toons got up and ran after Bendy. The others were all talking about how adorable Linda and Henry were together.
Henry looked really uncomfortable, but tried his best to smile and be nice. Outside the kitchen door, Sally and Matt were playing.
Alice grabbed Bendy's wrist. "Hey, what's wrong." She asked. "I ate too many pancakes." Bendy answered.
"Phew, I thought something was really wrong." Alice said. "Aren't you excited though?" She asked. "About what?" Bendy said.
"Duh, Linda and Henry going out, they're so cute together!" She said. Bendy's face scrunched and he bolted.
Not in time for Boris to grab his arm. "Let go!" Bendy said. His eyes were watery, like he was trying very hard not to cry.
Hannah walked in. "Sally, your uncle Henry and his friends are staying another night here because Henry and Linda are going out tonight and then they'll continue their parent search the day after tomorrow." She said.
With a squeak of despair, Bendy wrenched his arm free from Boris, and ran to the room that him and Henry had shared.
He closed the door and burst into tears. Alice and Boris wasted no time in going into the room after him.
They closed the door as to not attract more attention to the sad demon. "Bendy, what's wrong?! Why are you cryi-" Alice stopped talking as realization came to her.
She gasped loudly, Boris tilting his head in question. Alice suddenly looked really sympathetic, something she wasn't much of.
"Oh, Bendy, you like Henry more than a friend, don't you?" Alice said, gently patting her friends back. Bendy sniffed and sobbed into a pillow.
"N-NO!" He wailed. "Yes you do, and don't worry, nobody's judging you, or telling him, but we can help you out." Alice offered.
"Alice! Can't y-ya see t-t-that Henry is i-in love with that, L-L-Linda?!" Bendy cried. Alice suddenly seemed very determined.
"Oh? Well, we'll see about that." She said, leaving the room. Boris stayed with Bendy, comforting him. Alice went to find Henry, but it was too late.
He'd already left, and he was going to spend the whole day with Linda.
Alice and Boris spent the whole day trying to cheer Bendy up. Later, Matt and Sally walked in to see what the toons were doing.
The toons didn't see them, so they eavesdropped on their conversation. "It's okay Bendy, we don't know what'll happen for sure." Alice said.
Boris whined, looking at Bendy for him to just be his normal cheery self again. But it wasn't going to happen.
Sally and Matt glanced at each other, wondering why Bendy was so sad. "Guys you don't have to waste your time with me, just...please leave me alone." Bendy said, his voice cracking.
Alice and Boris sighed, but turned to leave. They froze when they saw Sally and Matt. Alice was first to move, grabbing Boris by the wrist and tugging him along, shooing out the little two as well.
She closed the door behind them. "How much did you two hear?" Alice instantly asked. "Uh...not much, just the last sentence you said before leaving, why is Bendy so sad?" Sally said.
Alice glanced at Boris. "Well, I don't know if we should tell you that." Alice said. "Oh come on, I know I can help cheer him up." Sally complained, pointing at Bendy's door.
"No, I don't think so. I think the only person that can cheer him up is Henry, he always could cheer that demon up easily." Alice sighed.
"Well Uncle Henry said he'd be home by eight, but did you know that it's already eight?" Matt said, pointing to a clock.
Alice stared at the clock. "N-no, he could be a little late." She said. Boris whined. The little kids and toons waited another hour, and another.
Matt and Sally were dragged to bed. Alice ran over to Hannah. "Henry said he'd be home by eight, but it's ten, where is he?!" She asked.
Hannah shrugged. "I'm not sure, he must've went to Linda's house." Hannah said, a little smirk forming on her mouth. Alice looked at her, petrified. "Nonononono!" She said, grabbing her hair. "What?" Hannah asked. "We need Henry back here, there's a problem and only he can fix it." Alice said.
They then heard the front door open. Alice instantly raced over, Boris right behind her. He started howling. "HENRY YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!" Alice screamed.
Henry backed up a step. "Woah, woah, woah. Calm down and tell me what happened." Henry said, looking at them curiously.
"Well..." Alice began.

I know a don't update very often on this story, but I'm really into it right now so you might even get a third chapter today, but don't count on it. :)

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