Chapter 4

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Sammy gingerly pressed the elevator button and watched with a tight throat as it opened. Boris looked at him curiously, as if asking where Henry had gone.
", there was one station, and Henry pushed me in it to save my life, b-but Bendy caught u-up to him, a-and..." Sammy whimpered, feeling horrible and guilty.
"It's all my fault, I should've pushed him into that station, I don't deserve life more than Henry does!" Sammy cried.
Boris had no expression on his face. "Sheesh, that one was more painful than last time!" Someone said. Sammy turned around and saw Henry.
"Wha-!" His mouth hung open like a broken glove compartment. "How...?!"
Henry chuckled. "I died twenty seven times." He said with a blank face. Sammy stared at him. "It's extremely painful, that's for sure." Henry said, stepping into the elevator.
Sammy scrambled in behind him before the elevator gates closed. "How are you still alive?!" Sammy asked with wide eyes.
Henry shrugged. "I can't die, well I can die but I just come back to life, I don't understand how." He said. Inky black patterns suddenly covered the walls.
Sammy panicked and smashed his fist onto the number nine button so they could return to the Angel.
The elevator stopped at level nine, and Henry and Sammy clambered out and went up to the Angel's door.
They returned the axes and she gave them pipes. "Now, you're going to go far far down, to level fourteen, and meet an old...friend. The projectionist is down there, guarding five ink hearts that I want you two to collect." Alice instructed.
They nodded and returned to the lift. "Henry, who's the projectionist?" Sammy asked. "I'm not really sure, I've seen him once before in a hallway but only for a few seconds, he's got a body like yours, all inky, except his head is a projector." Henry said.
"Also he's like, twice as tall-" He stopped talking when Sammy sent him a glare. The lift stopped and they got out.
"So all we have to do is avoid him, but we are able to kill him with our pipes if we team up on him, which would make it easier to get the ink hearts." Henry explained.
Sammy peered down into the ink flooded halls. "This is where I fell from up a few floors, I think I saw the projectionist when I was down there." He said.
"I can see him right now." Henry pointed to the left entrance to the projectionist's place, and they saw a seven foot tall inky person stalking through the ink, his head lighting his way.
"How does he see? Or hear? Or can he?" Sammy asked. The projectionist stopped and turned its head towards them.
They stopped, and stared at him. He didn't seem to see them, so continued walking to the right side entrance.
Sammy exhaled, and they went down to the ink flooded halls. "You take the left, I'll take the right." Henry said.
Sammy shakily nodded, and as quietly as he could, crept into the halls. Cartoons were playing around every corner.
Familiar songs came from the projectors, that Sammy had wrote long ago. He stopped to watch a cartoon of Bendy with a fireman's hat and hose standing on a ladder, trying to find out how to work the hose.
Sammy smiled at the old animation, making him feel a tiny happiness inside. "SAMMY RUN, FIND A STATION!" Henry shouted as he dashed by in the hallway, and inky heart clasped in his hand.
Sammy felt his tiny happiness shatter as a bright light shone on him from behind. He turned around, scared as hell.
There stood the projectionist, his light glaring down at Sammy. Sammy whimpered as the projectionist grabbed him by the straps of his overalls.
"Where is my ink heart, are you the one who stole it?" A voice crackled out of the speaker on the projectionist's chest.
Sammy shook his head. "I-I swear I d-didn't take a-anything!" He stuttered in fear. "Then who did? You're the only one here." The projectionist growled. "I-I don't know!" Sammy said.
A metal pipe suddenly hit the back of the projectionist's head. He turned around, still grasping onto Sammy's overall straps. Sammy hung in the air, looking very uncomfortable.
"Hey, I stole your heart, and if you don't put Sammy down, I'll crush it." Henry said. The projectionist instantly put Sammy down.
"I don't care what you do with all these hearts, just give that one back to me." He said. Henry and Sammy were confused.
"Why would you only want that one in particular?" Sammy asked. The projectionist didn't say anything. "Just give it to me, and you can have the others!" He whined.
Henry and Sammy shared a look. Alice would be pissed if they only got four. They both took off running at the same time, Henry throwing Sammy the ink heart, so that the projectionist would chase the wrong person.
Unfortunately, he saw that Sammy had it, and chased after him instead. Sammy screamed like a child as he dashed through the halls.
Henry and him ran all around the halls, collecting the ink hearts as they passed them. Sammy at one point had just picked up a third one and was at a dead end.
The projectionist followed him and blocked him from leaving. He'd been caught.

Never leave again (sequel to Stay with me)Where stories live. Discover now