Chapter 13

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"Grandma has a piano too, can you play that?" Sally asked, looking up at Sammy. Bendy was glad to have Henry's lap to himself at last.
"Sure, after I complete your violin challenge." Sammy said. He gently took the violin from Sally's hands, and placed it against his shoulder, positioning the bow.
Of course he played it like he'd done it his entire life, which he technically did. After he finished, everyone clapped for him.
"I didn't know you were that good on the violin, but definitely on the piano." Norman said, smirking at a memory he just had.
"Oh god please no." Sammy half laughed. "Don't remind me of that."
"What?" Sally asked. Norman smirked. "Polk I swear-" Sammy glared at Norman. "Back when we used to work at the studio, Sammy was playing on the piano one day and he thought he was alone, but I was passing by and yelled, which scared him, and he jumped up onto the piano and it made the most horrible noise ever!" Norman laughed.
Sally giggled. Sammy huffed. "It's not my fault, it's Susie's fault for being a creep and stalking me, which made me jumpy." Sammy said.
"You got stalked?" Sally asked. "Yeah, by this girl I used to work with, god I hated her." Sammy said. Sally pointed to the piano.
"Can you play the piano?" She asked. Sammy stood up and walked over to it. He played one of the old cartoon songs he wrote, The Lighter Side Of Hell. He  turned around on the piano stool when he was done. Sally had a smile on her face.
"I wish I could play that good." She said. "I could give you lessons if you wanted?" Sammy offered. "Yeah!" Sally said.
Norman squinted at Sammy. "Hey Sam, come sit over here." Norman patted the spot on the couch beside him.
Henry's parents went into the kitchen with Hannah to cook dinner for everyone. Alice followed, wanting to help.
Boris curled up on a rug and fell asleep, and Matt slept with him on the floor, curled up in the wolf's furry arms.
"Nah, I like the stool." Sammy said, smirking. "So that's how it's gonna be, huh Lawrence?" Norman asked.
Sammy squinted at him. "If you want me to move, then make me." He challenged. Sally watched them from the other couch like she was watching an episode of a show she liked.
Henry and Bendy looked over at them, knowing how it was going to end. "Alrighty then shorty, let's see how this ends for you." Norman said.
He lunged off the couch at Sammy, the small musician leaping off the stool and running away, Norman missing him by inches.
The two laughed lien children as Norman reached again and grabbed Sammy around the waist. He giggled as he was pulled towards the couch.
"I'm warning you! Don't make me use my special escape method, and you know what it is!" Sammy warned.
Norman just laughed. "You can't stop me." He said. "Fine, you leave me no choice." Sammy said, a fake grimace on his face.
"You're so dramatic." Norman said. Sammy twisted around and stuck his tongue out. "Nope, not this time!" Norman threw Sammy, who landed on the couch screaming.
It was silent as Sammy sat up, his hair a mess. He locked eyes with Norman and both of them burst out laughing.
Sally giggled. She's never seen two adults act so childish. Henry sighed, smiling to himself at his idiot friends.
Sally walked over to Norman and Sammy. The taller of the two was sitting on the smaller, preventing him from leaving.
"Are you two best friends?" She asked. Sammy and Norman froze. Bendy snorted, then covered his mouth trying not to laugh.
Norman got off of Sammy, who sat up. " could say that I guess...?" Norman shrugged. "How old are you?" Sammy asked.
"13." Sally said. Norman looked over at Henry. "Is it okay for her to know-?" He asked. "Yes of course it is." Henry laughed.
"Know what?" Sally asked. "We're not friends." Sammy said. Sally looked confused. "Then why are you joking around so much, or were you being serious?" Sally asked.
"Oh no, she doesn't understand!" Sammy said. His and Norman's faces were red from embarrassment. "Aren't you two gettin married or somethin?" Bendy said.
"Ooh, you're gay." Sally said. Norman snapped his fingers and pointed to her. "Exactly." He said. "Are you too uncle Henry?" Sally asked.
"I'm actually not, but also am? If that makes any sense." Henry said. "Wait your bi?!" Sammy asked. Henry nodded.
"Since when? I always thought you were straight." Norman said. "That's what you said with Wally, I wonder if he ever got to tell Jack..." Henry wondered.
"Let's call him, oh please let us prank call him." Norman pleaded. "Phones over their, go crazy." Henry said.
Norman and Sammy brought the phone over to the table in the centre of all the couches and chairs, and dialled Wally's number.
Sally, Bendy, Henry, Sammy, and Norman all leaned closer to the phone as it was ringing. It was put on speaker.
Wally answered. "Hello? Who's this?" He asked. He sounded a bit sadder than usual. "Wassup." Norman said. "Who is this?" Wally asked.
"Projector man and sheep master, guess who?" Norman said. Sammy glared at Norman. "Why did he call Sammy sheep master?" Sally whispered to Henry.
"Well, when Sammy was in the studio he went a bit crazy and called everyone sheep." Henry said. "Who the hell- wait a second." Wally said.
"I think he knows." Sammy whispered. "Wait never mind, they died..." Wally sounded sad when he said that.
"Unless..." the group listed to him mutter to himself. Then there was another voice on the phone. "Hey Wally, who you talkin to?" A familiar voice asked. "Is that...Jack?!" Henry gasped.

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