Chapter 5

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Sammy whimpered in fear as he looked up at the tall form of the projectionist. "Hand over that ink heart, and I won't harm you." He growled through his speaker.
Sammy hesitated. Him and Henry needed to bring all five hearts to Alice, and if they didn't...well, Sammy didn't want to think about that.
"I-I can't." Sammy stuttered. "I don't want to have to hurt you, but I will if you don't hand it over." The projectionist said.
"Why do you want this particular one so bad?" Sammy asked. "Give it back." The projectionist said, ignoring Sammy's question.
The short male sighed. He had no choice, either way was almost certain death, but this way he had a small chance.
He quickly dashed in between the projectionist's legs and sped down the halls, clutching the ink heart to his chest as he ran.
The projectionist turned and ran after him, screaming "GIVE THAT BACK!"
Sammy ran faster, his adrenaline making it possible for his short legs to outrun the taller ones. He felt like crying, he didn't want to die, not now that he might have a chance to get back to the surface.
The end of the hallway came into view, and Henry was waiting at the elevator with Boris.
He saw Sammy dash out of the halls. "Hey Sammy, I was just about to go back in to look for-" Henry stopped talking when he saw the projectionist gaining on the small male.
Henry opened the elevator door and motioned for Sammy to hurry up and get inside. He was nearly there, when the projectionist grabbed a hold of his foot, and he fell to the ground.
Henry froze, and Boris covered his eyes. "HENRY, CATCH!" Sammy launched the ink heart at Henry, who caught it.
"GO! GET OUT OF HERE!" Sammy screamed. Henry hesitated. "I still have my axe." Henry said in determination, pulling out his sharp axe.
The projectionist dropped Sammy, and took a step back. Henry took a few steps towards him, preparing to chop his projector off.
Sammy hesitated, then jumped in front of Henry before he could harm the projectionist. "Don't!" He said.
This surprised everyone else. Especially the projectionist. "What? He tried killing us!" Henry said. Sammy sighed. "Just because he tried to kill us, wasn't because he wanted to. He was protecting something that means a great deal to him, and I'd rather take it up with the angel and give it back, then leave him broken hearted at loosing something he cared so much about." Sammy said.
"How would you react if someone tried stealing something you cared about?"
Henry looked down at his feet, now feeling a bit guilty. The most stunned one of them all was the projectionist.
Sammy walked up to Henry, snatched the ink heart, and walked back to the projector headed man. He held out the ink heart for him to take.
Without hesitation, he took it. He looked at Sammy differently then before. "Thank you...did he say your name was Sammy?" The projectionist asked.
Sammy nodded. The projectionist stood a little straighter. "As in 'Sammy Lawrence'?" He asked. Sammy nodded again.
The projectionist seemed more friendly now, and Sammy wasn't as nervous. "How'd you know that?" He asked.
"I'm Norman, Norman Polk." The projectionist said, sounding a bit more excited. The name was very familiar to Sammy, he just couldn't quite recall where he'd heard it before.
"Did I use to know you?" Sammy asked. Norman slumped. "You really don't remember me?" He asked.
Sammy frowned. "I'm afraid not, but I do recognize that name, maybe with time my memory's with you will return, just like they have started to with Henry, I'll remember eventually." He said.
Norman seemed to be a little put out. There was a small compartment in the side of his projector head where he locked the ink heart in.
"Care to tag along Norman?" Henry asked. "I remember you from work, and Sammy...Y'know." Henry said.
"What?" Sammy asked. "You'll remember soon." Henry said, not wanting to butt into anything that wasn't his business.
"I'd like to come along, and hope that Sammy gets his memory back soon." Norman said. "Alright, now we just need to figure out how to tell Alice that we have one less ink heart then she wanted." Henry said.
"Sounds thrilling." Sammy said sarcastically. "You mean Alice Angel?" Norman asked. "Yep. She's kind of a-"
Boris barked, interrupting Henry from talking. "Right, let's get going." The three clambered onto the lift and pressed the level 9 button.
They ascended for a few minutes, passing by a few levels on the way up. As they were one level away from level 9, Boris covered his head and shook. He was scared of something.
They slowly passed by the open hallways of a level, and saw inky veins covering the walls. Bendy was stalking around the level, and he locked eyes with Henry as the lift went upwards.
The animator simply saluted the demon, then was out of sight before Bendy could react at Henry's weird actions.
Sammy stared at him. "Why did he not try to rip the lift's gate off and kill us?" He asked. Henry shrugged. "The loft would keep going up and he'd just end up hurting himself." Henry guessed.
They stopped at level 9, praying that Alice was okay to accept one less ink heart then she said for them to collect.

Sorry this took so long to get out, I'm updating multiple books at a time:/

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