Chapter 3 Mr Black

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Violet's POV

Last thing I remembered was that burglar standing in front of me. I woke up to the bumps and horns, I then realized that I was in a car. I was lying in the back seat, then I groaned when the car bumped again.

"Oh you're awake!" I heard the driver (aka Mr. gun) say.

"Where am I?!".

I got no answer. Then I remembered that this was Mr gun, but he wasn't wearing the mask. "DID YOU DRUG ME?!! Oh my god, I can't believe this YOU JERK" I started shouting at him.

He said with a smirk "you chose the hard way"

"umm aren't kidnappers supposed to be wearing masks, like so I wouldn't know who you are!" I said to him.

"First of all I'm not a kidnapper. Second of all imagine me wearing a mask with a little girl in the back of my car. What would people think?" He said.

"Oh yeah that is NOT kidnapping it's just taking girls without asking" I said sarcastically. He just ignored my comment. This is a serious matter, I really shouldn't be sarcastic.

I couldn't quite see most of his features, but I could see that he was wearing big black rayban glasses, and he had black short hair and also facial hair (but not like a beard). He was wearing black jeans and a black short-sleeve top and a black Converse. All black on black on black really reflects his personality. Maybe I should call him Mr black from now on.

"And FYI if you kidnapped me because you want money, well you're wrong, because I come from a poor family. And I doubt my aunt would even notice I'm missing" I informed him.

"I didn't kidnap you for money".

"Then why??!!" my voice grew a little bit louder.

No answer.

"Could you at least tell me where we are going?".

Still no answer.

"Uughgh!!" I threw my hands to the air in frustration, and slid to the window seat behind the driver's seat.

For no reason I started kicking the back of his seat. kick....kick......kick.......kick.....kick......kick....kick

"Would you stop that?!" He shouted at me.

"Not until you tell me where are we going" I crossed my arms.

He stopped the car, held the gun again "look we still have 1 hour 'till we reach our destination, now you're going to be a good girl and stay quiet" he threatened, then we started moving again. I rolled my eyes and sat behind his seat with my arms crossed. Who does he think he is?!

We where literally the only car on the road, and we where moving at a normal speed. where are we going?!! he said we still have 1 hour, is it really that far?!



..... OMG that idiot forgot to lock the doors, how could he forget that?! This is my chance to escape, wait should I?! My brain was telling me not to, But every organ in my body was telling me to jump. Just suck it up brain. The sun was already sinking into the ocean sending those majestic orange rays, in the sky. My hand was on the handle, come on Violet! do it!! I was really nervous, who wouldn't be, I was going to jumping out of a bloody moving car!!

Finally I pulled the handle and....jumped! I landed on my shoulder. OUCH!! THAT HURT! I got up and started running.

"You little *****" I heard the driver say while I was running.

"HAHAHA! you'll never catch me sucker" I shouted back.

okay now what! where am I supposed to go?! We were on a main road, there was neither houses nor buildings. It was getting dark, but I kept running anyway

I was getting tired, and I didn't want to look back, but I knew he was getting closer. Suddenly he tackled me and knocked me out.


I woke up in the back seat, again, but this time that bastard tied my hands "wha...?!" I groaned.

"What the heck was that?!! if you ever do a stunt like that again I'm going to have to tie you up in the trunk!" he shouted angrily. his voice was kinda rough so it sent shivers down my spine.

It was about 7:00 and I was getting really hungry. "Hey are we going to stop to get something to eat?".

"Here" he tossed me a bag of Maltesers.

"Are you kidding me?".

"It's this or nothing" he said coldly.

I ate them because I would eat anything at this point.

As i was gazing out of the window, daydreaming, Mr black stopped the car

"Why are we stopping?" I asked.

"I need to rest. you do not want me to run over into a tree or something" he answered.

"Well can I get out? I need to get some fresh air"

"Okay but I'll be right behind you, and if you try to run away I won't hesitate to shoot your leg" he said, and then he went out of the car to untie my arms and legs.

I went out and looked up at the beautiful sparkling stars. Are mom and dad up there?
Then a tear escaped from my eye followed by many more. I just couldn't help it. I stood there for a couple minuets enjoying the silence. Then Mr black broke the silence "umm.....are you done getting som fresh air?".

I sniffed "yeah".

So I turned to go to the car but he stopped me. placing his hand under my chin, he lifted my head up. When he saw my puffy red eyes, his eyes widened "wha- why are you crying?".

I got angry at his question and started shouting "why am I crying?! you kidnapped me from my family and friends, and you expect me to be happy about it?!".

Suddenly I felt two arms tighten around me. Is he hugging me?!! but why! I was so confused. "Why are you hugging me? Aren't you supposed to be the bad guy or something?!" I asked and then realized how stupid my question is.

"Trust me, this is for your best" he said in a soft voice.

"What do you mean by that?".

"You'll find out when we get there" he said with a smile.

I just melted, and my cheeks started to heat up as he wiped my tear with his thumb, then he went to sleep in the car.

I was still standing there, no Violet you can't fall for him he's the enemy remember? NO he's not the enemy he's so sweet, And why did he do that when I was crying? maybe Mr black wasn't so black hearted after all. Maybe I should see where this's going.

I headend towards the car, and lied down in the back seat. Mr not-so-black was already asleep. So I just went into deep sleep.

A\N: sorry for the long wait, but here's a chapter and I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know if you did :)
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CatWhiskerz789 <3

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