Chapter 21 Where's the fire extinguisher?!

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Violet's POV

The bell rang and made us break our gaze.

"Umm....I'll see you later" I waved then walked to my class.

He waved as well.

During biology I was thinking about the drawing I made. And that I never noticed that his hair was such perfection. No wonder he's so obsessed with it. Also the fact that we were thinking about each other at the same time was surreal and unexpected. And sweet.

I started drawing sketches of a cartoon version of Salem on the back of my copybook. The teacher is so boring. Okay I get it, the food goes through our mouth, then it's churned in the stomach, then it ends up in the small intestine where it is transformed into nutrients, and finally we flush it in the toilet. It isn't that hard.

The bell rang. Finally. But I had P.E. Ugh...I don't wanna move!

I sat on the bench and clutched on my stomach.

"BLUE!" the coach called my name across the stadium and I shook my head, acting in pain.

He approached me then spoke in a calmer voice "Blue, are you okay?"

I shook my head.

"Is it a....girl thing?"

I nodded.

"Do you wanna go to the nurse or take some pills?"

"No....i-it's okay. I j-just can't run or move actively" I spoke.

"Fine you can stay here, and you can go to the toilet if you needed to". he said and left.

The coach was nice. And now I feel bad for lying. Oh well, I'll get over it.

I was watching the other girls play basketball when the coach called me. "BLUE! THE PRINCIPLE WANTS YOU!".

I kept thinking if I did something wrong as I went into her office. She looked at me and smiled. Was that an evil smile?

"I didn't do it. I swear" I said defensively "wait, what is it that I didn't do?"

She laughed. "You're not in trouble. I just need you to clean the chemistry lab".

"But aren't there specific people to clean it?"

"Miss Blue, students are being picked to clean different sections of the school for extra credit. And I picked you" she explained.

"What if I spill some acid all over the place? I'm quite clumsy sometimes".

"Look. If you did this task, I'll cancel your detention for the whole week".

I thought for a second, then nodded. "Deal".


After the last period, I headed towards the Chem lab where I spotted the seniors coming out.

Salem was among them and gave me a a smile. "What are you doing her?"

"The principle told me to clean the lab as extra credit" I sighed.

"I'll help you" he offered.

"No it's okay. I don't see it that messy anyway. This shouldn't take long"

"Fine. If you need me, I'll be in the detention room". He said as he left.

I put the stools under the tables then wiped the white board. I arranged the stuff on the table in a tidy way. And I threw the piece of wood that was on the table in the trash can.

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