Chapter 12 Kat fight

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A gun clicked behind my head. "Stand back".

"Did you really chose to rob this house?" I said with a low chuckle at the end.

Then I turned around to face the criminal.


I rolled my eyes. Does he really think he could rob a wizard?! I twisted his hand making him let go of the gun, then I zapped him with a fire spell. someone who hurt my little butterfly must suffer. I was filled with rage, but I didn't want to kill him just yet.

Most of the spells weren't working cause I was weak. Ugh I hate being sick.

Suddenly Tara tackled him from behind and was like "YOU DARE HURT MY SWEETY PIE?!!". she punched him hard and he was screaming with pain. I enjoyed seeing him in pain. "TAKE THAT YOU BASTARD!!". I didn't know Tara could get so angry. Wait....i looked closer at him.....his eyes!

"TARA STAY AWAY! HE'S A DEMON!!" I shouted in fear. Then it no longer was human. It took it's black, ugly form.

It got powerful and grabbed Tara. She started screaming my name. But finally I destroyed the demon by an enchanted knife.

"Violet!". Tara stopped the bleeding, and she seemed calm, but I was panicking to death! what if she doesn't wake up? what is gunna happen? What would I do with myself without her?

The cat came to where Violet was. "Tara, get this cat away from here!" I demanded. "No, wait" she said.

We observed the cat to see what it was doing.

No way....the cat was healing her! was that even possible?!

Violet started breathing "oh thank goodness!". After she had awaken, I embraced her, and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

"Yeah...what happened?" she asked.

"You got knocked out, but it's fine now. You don't have to worry". She doesn't have to know about the whole demon thingy, cause I don't want my butterfly to be scared.

There was no wounds anymore. That cat has some special powers, or maybe this happens only with Violet.

Tara hugged her as well "did you know that Mr Whiskerz saved you?" she said to her.

Hey....I'm the one who killed the demon.

"Yeah I told him to" Violet replied.

"That's so cool!".

"Could you maybe tell him to heal me from my cold?" I pleaded.

"Yeah sure" she answered

I touched the cat, then I began to feel better. Finally, no sour throat, and no more headache. And also my powers got powerful.

"Is my voice still husky? oh! no it isn't. Phew" I tested my voice.

They both giggled. And then we went back to bed.


I was up the rest of the night thinking about what happened. How did that demon get in the house anyway? I'm afraid that maybe the spell is wearing off. Or maybe because he was in a human form.


Time for training.....or maybe I'll give her a break today. She deserves it.

We showed Tara the unicorn, she got super excited. Then me and Violet stayed there a little bit.

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