Chapter 9 Please don't leave

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The party was so AWESOME! and I got gifts! yaay! Salem got me and Tara matching Death Note wristbands. Twinsies! Alex got me a Lord Of The Rings T-shirt which I totally loved. And....THE ONE RING! just like his, but his was black. Tara got me Dan's llama hat! oh my god, so cute!

Now it's time for my special gift fur Tara.

"OH MY GOD HE IS SO ADORABLE!!" Tara squealed. "where were you hiding it?"

"It's a secret" I smirked. I got her a little white kitten. "I know, I'm the best friend ever". She hugged me tightly, and then hugged and kissed the kitten. We both love cats, so it's sort of a gift for myself too. It's going to be our child.

We went to Tara's room, and we closed the door so we could play with the kitten.

"Violet......." she started "I fancy my brother"

" did you get that idea?" I blushed slightly.

"Come on... I saw you how you enjoyed that hug he gave you earlier"

"Okay, maybe a teensy weensy little bit. Is it that obvious?"

"Well, to a girl. Oh my god, you two are so adorable together" she awwed

"But all we do is argue"

"That's what makes it so adorable, I mean an extremely romantic relationship is boring". She said, and maybe she was right.

I feel so relieved I can talk to someone about that. I'm glad I have her.

"Wait we have to name our kitty!" Tara said. So we decided on Mr Whiskerz, because I love his long whiskers, and it was a cute name.

We spent the night talking, gossiping, and all things girl stuff, Until we got tired, so I slept in her room that night with the kitten next to us. Awww

I woke up to the sound of scratches on the door, the kitten wanted to pee, so I opened the door for him.

Oh my god! 12pm?! we slept really late last night. I didn't wake Tara up, she was still deeply asleep.

I went down to make my cereal. But Salem already made it for me, awww, he's so sweet.

"Come on we're late! eat up fast!".

I totally forgot about my training. We entered the wizportal to a huge field. This portal took us to a whole other world full of only humans with supernatural powers, and that's what he called the 'wizworld'.

I finally get to hold a wand now, after he said I needed it to defend myself.


"Why doesn't your family live in this world? here you don't have to hide". I asked curiously.

"My mother is a mortal, and mortals can't live is this world" he replied.

"Isn't wizards marrying mortals a big no no in the wizard world?"

"Yes but dad gave up his powers so he could marry her. He died fighting next to your father"

"Oh....I'm sorry". I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, I was only 2 years old, and mother was pregnant with Tara"


After we finished the lesson, we sat under a giant tree to rest.

"Where did you sleep last night?"

"In Tara's room...I think I'm gunna move to her room". I answered

"What?! no you can't...I...."

Salem was acting strange. But why?

"Why? what's wrong with staying in Tara's room?"

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